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From: Genaro Juarez Martinez on 31 Jan 2010 19:50 =============================================================================== Apologies if you get this multiple times. Please forward to interested people. *** Paper Submissions: -------------------------------- February 15, 2010 *** =============================================================================== First Special Session on Cellular Automata, Algorithms & Architectures SS4-CAAA 2010 Call for Papers As part of The International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation HPCS 2010 June 28 - July 2, 2010 CENTRE DE CONGRES de CAEN, France In conjunction with The 6th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference IWCMC 2010 =============================================================================== SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES The special session on Cellular Automata Algorithms & Architectures, planned to be held in the framework of the Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, provides an international forum for reporting on the state-of-the-art in computational problems, techniques and solutions related to the implementation of cellular automata models and algorithms onto fine-grain architectures. This CAAA session strives to gather all aspects addressed in the main parts of the HPCS conference but which lie at the intersection of the two areas. In other words, topics of interest include all aspects of Cellular Automata, but in the context of High Performance Computing. The Workshop topics include the following: * Cellular Automata Models & Algorithms * Local and Global Properties in Cellular Automata Networks * Local and Global Communications at Application-Level * Local Neighborhood and Topology Awareness * Routing and Mobile Agents in Cellular Automata * Synchronization and Related Problems * Fine-Grained Parallel Architectures and FPGA * Efficient Architectures and Implementations * Regular Graphs for Massive Interconnection Networks * Scaling and Recursivity in Hierarchical Cayley Graphs IMPORTANT DATES Paper Submissions: ------------------------------------------- February 15, 2010 Acceptance Notification: ------------------------------------- March 15, 2010 Camera Ready Papers and Registration Due: -------------------- April 15, 2010 WORKSHOP ORGANIZERS * Dominique Deserable, INSA Rennes, France * Rolf Hoffmann, Technische Universitat Darmstadt, Germany PROGRAM COMMITTEE * Andy Adamatzky, University West England of Bristol, U.K. * Stefania Bandini, University of Milano?Bicocca, Italy * Olga Bandman, ICM&MG SB RAS of Novosibirsk, Russia * Pedro de Oliveira, Mackenzie Presbyterian University of Sao Paulo, Brazil * Nazim Fates, INRIA Lorraine Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France * Gianluigi Folino, University of Calabria, Italy * Henryk Fuks, Brock University of St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada * Anna Lawniczak, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada * Genaro Martinez, University West England of Bristol, U.K. * Parimal Pal Chaudhuri, CARL of Kolkata, India * Franciszek Seredynski, Institute of Computer Science of Warsaw, Poland * Roberto Serra, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy * Georgios Sirakoulis, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece * Giandomenico Spezzano, University of Calabria, Italy * Klaus Sutner, Carnegie Mellon University of Pittsburgh, USA * Hiroshi Umeo, Electro-Communication University of Osaka, Japan * Andrew Wuensche, University West England of Bristol, U.K. =============================================================================== For more information about HPCS 2010 SS4-CAAA, please point directly to: HPCS 2010 SS4-CAAA or indirectly to HPCS 2010: =============================================================================== [ is moderated ... your article may take a while to appear. ] |