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From: "b. f." on 2 Aug 2010 11:05 Thomas: On the plus side, the new vp8 codec support seems to be working: I've been able to view format 43 and 45 webm videos from youtube without problems. However, seeking in at least mp4 and flv videos, and possibly others, is less robust than in the earlier snapshot: I've experienced problems similar to those described by other users on the MPlayer-users mailing list in the past couple of months. My vote would be to go ahead with the update, but to continue to monitor the mplayer repository and mailing lists for solutions to these regressions, which could be incorporated in a subsequent update to the port -- at this point, I think that the improvements outweigh the regressions. Regards, b. _______________________________________________ freebsd-ports(a) mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-ports-unsubscribe(a)"
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