From: MikerRoo on
Actually, I stumbled on CFX_Excel2Query.

This is another tag that supposedly works much better than cfx_ExcelQuery.

Since (1) I don't need this functionality, (2) The solution already exists,
(3) I have other projects that are just as much fun, and (4) a valued CF
developer is charging (a reasonable price) for his working tag; I will not be
fixing cfx_ExcelQuery, for free, in the next few days.

CFX_Excel2Query is at:

From: cf_dev2 on
Strange, I've used the tag and haven't had a problem with blank cells. Maybe
one of our developers modified it? I'll try to get the source and post it if
anyone is interested. I haven't used CFX_Excel2Query but it looks good ..
seems to have richer features.

From: di_wakar on
Hi all,

We have many methods to read an excel sheet?
A. Save it as .csv & read as file (but coding is too much & if you cell have
any comma separated value it cause a problem)
B. Create ODBC & than DSN inside of CF admin (it is also painful if you want
to read different type of excel.)
C. There is some paid custom tag available on net (you need to pay much amount
& some limitations are there)
D. Last & final method is use Jakarta POI (some already guess about it)

I use Jakarta POI?the problem is that with these POI that there is not enough
material or documentation is available on net?I am lucky I did much R &D & get
the solution.

With using these POI our most of requirement?s get fulfill?see the sample code
to read an excel sheet without creating a DSN

<cfset fileIn =

<cfset wb =

<cfset sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0)/> //this is sheet number you can read multiple

<cfset Last_Row = sheet.getLastRowNum()>// you will get number of last row to
validate number of row

<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#Last_Row#">
<cfset row = sheet.getRow(javacast("int",#i#))>
<cfloop index="j" from="0" to="18">
<cfset Cell_len=#len(row.getCell(javacast("int",j)))#>
<cfif #Cell_len# GT 0>//to validate null value(blank cell)
<cfset cell_Add=row.getCell(javacast("int",j))>
<cfset "c#j#"=cell_Add.getNumericCellValue()>// to read numenric value
<cfset "c#j#"=cell_Add.getStringCellValue()>// to read string value
<cfset "c#j#"="NULL">

Now a tip: use CFdump for wb, sheet, row you will able to see all related

I hope this small description will provide you enough help?if any one have any
question feel free to contact me?

Thanks & Regards
Diwakar Gupta

From: rizalfir on
If you're interested to get the fastest, small memory footprint and easiest way
to convert CF query to Excel and vice versa, you can try my custom tag:

Well, it's not free though :)
But it's way cheaper than our hourly rate, considering to develop this kind of
rich functions will take many days...

From: MikerRoo on
Nice site.
And the online livedemo (nice!) shows that your tag does solve the "null cell" problem that baskark was posting about.