From: BKBK on
Should there really be a loop? dLA is obviously a structure. Moreover, it is a
key in objDLA, which is itself a complex type.

However, the code <cfloop collection="#objDLA#" item="dLA"> means we're not
talking about one dLA object, but possibly a sequence of dLA objects. Is it
therefore possible that the code worked for currRow=1, but failed when
currRow=2, with the next value of dLA? An interesting dump would be that of

From: okey on
You are correct in that I am looping through a collection of dLA objects
contained in the parent object -> objDLA.. objDLA contains a series of
enumerated collections all representing different sets of data. The collection
in which I am interested is an enumerated list of the object DataLine. So I
instantiate objDLA and then loop through the DataLine objects it contains...
When I was initially trying to get this to work, I tried enclosing the errant
code in <cftry>/<cfcatch> block to see if maybe a null value was causing the
problem and maybe a different row in the collection would work.. I never got a
hit within cftry - it always went into cfcatch...

From: BKBK on
I think the try-catch should stay. But, before that, dump objDLA. Use the
try-catch to output the value of currRow when the code breaks. That should tell
us which culprit to look for in the dump. It seems an object is making RMI

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