From: Inverse 19 mathematics on
A formula and equation has been concieved and is being developed at
Hope reseach , that will completly , by a single equaion , define the
distribution and placement and primality of all of current
mathemartics Prime numbers. We hope to fully develop this by 9 months
or earlier , although it is fully concieved on paper and based on our
current full placemernt by computer program of all prime numbers and

The "Court Jestering" of the mathematical music composition which
could be played by computer assistance will be done by a esteemed
representative of current mathematics, a stalwart professor, MIT, PHD,
a Jewelled professor.

Professor Eddie Escultura perhaps one of the best minds of your
Current mathematics , will be a honored hearer of the musical cord of

The only instrument is a horn of "open 19 degrees divergence", with
its open edge at the edge of infinity.

LINK to current Mathematical development at Hope research