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From: linguafr on 24 Jan 2008 13:43 Can't find CSS MIBS. Can't find a tarball of the OS, only adis, and can't find the mib directories supposedly on the css per this doc We recommend that you update the CSS Enterprise MIBs after you upgrade the CSS software. CSS MIBs are included in the CSS GZIP file. During the software upgrade, the MIBs are loaded into the CSS /mibs directory. For details about the CSS MIBs, see the "CSS MIBs" section. To update the CSS MIBs on your management station after you upgrade the CSS: 1. Transfer the CSS MIBs using FTP from the CSS MIBs (/v1 or /v2) directory to your management station. The MIB tree has a special branch set aside for specific vendors to build their own extensions; this special branch is called the Enterprise MIB branch. The CSS MIBs are included in the following directories and ZIP files on the CSS disk: *SNMPv1 MIBs - /mibs/v1/ *SNMPv2C MIBs - /mibs/v2/
From: linguafr on 25 Jan 2008 13:33
Resolved ftp> dir ftp> cd mibs ftp> dir ftp> cd v2 ftp> dir ftp> get 3) The file name include every single MIB that you can get. |