From: Grant on 21 May 2010 17:23 I have a simple problem related to my inexperiance again. I have a simple browser and I want to add another column with the fields calculated from the 2 preceeding fields. I used VirtualFieldColumn to create the new column but I'm stuck calculating the values for it. The following is the code so far. Thank you for any help. oColumn := oDCbBrowser1:GetOpenColumn(1) oColumn:Caption := "WEIGHT" oColumn:Width := 100 oColumn:DataView := bViewStyle{Color{COLORBLACK}, Brush{Color{COLORCYAN}},,oFont} oColumn:DataView:AlphaBlendRatio := BABR_NONE oColumn := oDCbBrowser1:GetOpenColumn(2) oColumn:Caption := "TONNE"+CRLF+"RATE" oColumn:Width := 100 oColumn:DataView := bViewStyle{Color{COLORBLACK}, Brush{Color{COLORGREEN}}, ,oFont} oColumn:DataView:AlphaBlendRatio := BABR_NONE oColumn := bVirtualFieldColumn{self:oDCbBrowser1, odbsServer, {| oServer|0}, #Expression} oColumn:Caption := "TOTAL" oColumn:Width := 100 oColumn:DataView := bViewStyle{Color{COLORBLACK}, Brush{Color{COLORGREEN}},,oFont} oColumn:DataView:AlphaBlendRatio := BABR_NONE self:oDCbBrowser1:OpenColumn(oColumn)
From: Stephen Quinn on 21 May 2010 19:36 Grant >I have a simple problem related to my inexperiance again. I have a > simple browser and I want to add another column with the fields > calculated from the 2 preceeding fields. There's no guarantee that those columns will have values BEFORE your calc is called. Simpler to read the data from the fields themselves. Something like below should work - check the syntax though as I typed this from what I have left of my programming memory<g> METHOD TotalEmUp( oServer ) CLASS oWin RETURN oServer:fieldget( #WEIGHT ) * oServer:fieldget( #RATE ) oColumn := bVirtualFieldColumn{self:oDCbBrowser1, odbsServer, l {|oServer, oWin| oWin:TotalEmUp(oServer) }, #Expression, SELF} CYA Steve
From: Geoff Schaller on 21 May 2010 21:03 Grant, You are mixing some concepts here and this may be contributing to your issues. Firstly, a virtual column is a real column in the browser but the browser maintains memory of the values you assign the column. Typically this would be like a check box column where you tick rows you want to do something with. But it can also be string or numeric to capture data not held in your data table than you wish to now process with. Secondly, an expression column has no persistent value. The value in the cell displays in the column dynamically as a result of the expression. This value is not stored anywhere. So you would never make a virtual column based on an expression because there is no way to edit/manage the data. It would always change an never persist. You need to populate your virtual column with data (and this is usually human input) or you just have an expression column. Secondly, try not to use GetOpenColumn(1). Use the symbol name of the column instead: GetColumn(#myfield). You see a user (or code) can move columns around and so the column in position 2 may become something else. HTH Geoff "Grant" <grantd(a)> wrote in message news:2e72846e-c9eb-4dd8-ba69-bf6ecfc42264(a) > I have a simple problem related to my inexperiance again. I have a > simple browser and I want to add another column with the fields > calculated from the 2 preceeding fields. I used VirtualFieldColumn to > create the new column but I'm stuck calculating the values for it. > The following is the code so far. > Thank you for any help. > > oColumn := oDCbBrowser1:GetOpenColumn(1) > oColumn:Caption := "WEIGHT" > oColumn:Width := 100 > oColumn:DataView := bViewStyle{Color{COLORBLACK}, > Brush{Color{COLORCYAN}},,oFont} > oColumn:DataView:AlphaBlendRatio := BABR_NONE > > oColumn := oDCbBrowser1:GetOpenColumn(2) > oColumn:Caption := "TONNE"+CRLF+"RATE" > oColumn:Width := 100 > oColumn:DataView := bViewStyle{Color{COLORBLACK}, > Brush{Color{COLORGREEN}}, ,oFont} > oColumn:DataView:AlphaBlendRatio := BABR_NONE > > > oColumn := bVirtualFieldColumn{self:oDCbBrowser1, odbsServer, {| > oServer|0}, #Expression} > oColumn:Caption := "TOTAL" > oColumn:Width := 100 > oColumn:DataView := bViewStyle{Color{COLORBLACK}, > Brush{Color{COLORGREEN}},,oFont} > oColumn:DataView:AlphaBlendRatio := BABR_NONE > self:oDCbBrowser1:OpenColumn(oColumn)
From: Kevin on 22 May 2010 03:03 Grant, Try setting up your virtual column like this: bVirtualFieldColumn{ oBrw, oServer, {| oServer | oServer:Weight * oServer:Tonne}, #Expression} I use this sort of thing in one of my apps. Obviously change the calculation needed. If you need a more complex calculation see Stephen's reply. Hope this helps. Kevin "Grant" <grantd(a)> wrote in message news:2e72846e-c9eb-4dd8-ba69-bf6ecfc42264(a) > I have a simple problem related to my inexperiance again. I have a > simple browser and I want to add another column with the fields > calculated from the 2 preceeding fields. I used VirtualFieldColumn to > create the new column but I'm stuck calculating the values for it. > The following is the code so far. > Thank you for any help. > > oColumn := oDCbBrowser1:GetOpenColumn(1) > oColumn:Caption := "WEIGHT" > oColumn:Width := 100 > oColumn:DataView := bViewStyle{Color{COLORBLACK}, > Brush{Color{COLORCYAN}},,oFont} > oColumn:DataView:AlphaBlendRatio := BABR_NONE > > oColumn := oDCbBrowser1:GetOpenColumn(2) > oColumn:Caption := "TONNE"+CRLF+"RATE" > oColumn:Width := 100 > oColumn:DataView := bViewStyle{Color{COLORBLACK}, > Brush{Color{COLORGREEN}}, ,oFont} > oColumn:DataView:AlphaBlendRatio := BABR_NONE > > > oColumn := bVirtualFieldColumn{self:oDCbBrowser1, odbsServer, {| > oServer|0}, #Expression} > oColumn:Caption := "TOTAL" > oColumn:Width := 100 > oColumn:DataView := bViewStyle{Color{COLORBLACK}, > Brush{Color{COLORGREEN}},,oFont} > oColumn:DataView:AlphaBlendRatio := BABR_NONE > self:oDCbBrowser1:OpenColumn(oColumn)
From: richard.townsendrose on 22 May 2010 04:14 Grant, actually it is not as simple as that ... a) you MUST make sure that the columns cannot be moved. This is because bbrowser works firstly row by row going downwards, and within each row starting with the left columns and working to the right. b) secondly I have found that this works: create the columns like this: oCol:=bDataColumn{SELF:oDCbrGroups,SELF:oAD,{|oSvr, oWin, cItem| oWin:GetInfo(oSvr:FIELDGET(#ASSETREF), cItem)}, #Expression, SELF, cItem} The GetInfo method calls the StoreInfo method and here is my code. You will have to simplify the GetInfo as we have a very complex situation. But the basic idea is as follows: GetInfo reads the data you need column by column and does the calculation which requires knowledge of the previous column but that wont be displayed by bbrowser till it gets to the last column, so you need StoreInfo METHOD GetInfo(cGroup, cItem) CLASS WFReview LOCAL cAns:='' AS STRING LOCAL cAns2:='' AS STRING LOCAL cDocType AS STRING LOCAL lLast AS LOGIC LOCAL cTypeRef AS STRING LOCAL cKeyWord AS STRING LOCAL cKeyType AS STRING LOCAL cColType AS STRING LOCAL cSrc AS STRING LOCAL cForm AS STRING LOCAL cTrigCol AS STRING LOCAL cTrigType AS STRING LOCAL lReqd:=TRUE AS LOGIC LOCAL cDocNo:='' AS STRING LOCAL lDirExists AS LOGIC IF SELF:baPF:Locate({|oSvr|oSvr:FIELDGET(#ITEMNO) == cItem}) cDocType:=SELF:baPF:FIELDGET(#DOCTYPE) lLast:= SELF:baPF:FIELDGET(#FIRST) // index in reverse date order cTypeRef:=SELF:baPF:FIELDGET(#TYPEREF) cKeyWord:=Upper(AllTrim(SELF:baPF:FIELDGET(#KEYWORD))) cKeyType:=SELF:baPF:FIELDGET(#KEYTYPE) cSrc:=SELF:baPF:FIELDGET(#IOCODE) cForm:=SELF:baPF:FIELDGET(#CONTTYPE) cColType:=SELF:baPF:FIELDGET(#DataShow) cTrigCol:=SELF:baPF:FIELDGET(#TrigCol) cTrigType:=SELF:baPF:FIELDGET(#TrigType) // is it triggered IF ! Empty(cTrigCol) cAns2:=Upper(SELF:StoreInfo(cGroup, cTrigCol, '', TRUE)) // recall data DO CASE CASE Instr('ERROR', cAns2) .OR. Instr('NOT FOUND', cAns2) lReqd:=FALSE CASE cTrigType == TRIG_TYPE_YES IF ! Instr(Upper(cAns2), 'YES Y') lReqd:=FALSE ENDIF CASE cTrigType == TRIG_TYPE_NO IF ! Instr(Upper(cAns2), 'NO N') lReqd:=FALSE ENDIF CASE cTrigType == TRIG_TYPE_EMPTY IF ! Empty(cAns2) lReqd := FALSE ENDIF CASE cTrigType == TRIG_TYPE_FULL IF Empty(cAns2) lReqd := FALSE ENDIF ENDCASE ENDIF DO CASE CASE ! lReqd cAns:='' CASE cDocType == DOC_TYPE_NAME // print a field from docnm IF Instr(cKeyWord, '#TYP1 #TYP2 #POSTCODE #CONTACT') IF cKeyWord == '#POSTCODE' cAns:=LookupName(cGroup, #POSTCODE) ELSEIF cKeyWord == '#TYP1' cAns:=LookupCategory(NAME_POSITION, LookupName(cGroup, #TYP1)) ELSEIF cKeyWord == '#TYP2' cAns:=LookupCategory(NAME_TYPE, LookupName(cGroup, #TYP2)) ELSEIF cKeyWord == '#GROUPATTS' lDirExists:=DirExists(SysObject():GetParam(PathGpAtts) + AllTrim(SELF:cJobNo)+'\'+AllTrim(cGroup)) IF lDirExists cAns:=NTrim(ALen(Directory(SysObject():GetParam(PathGpAtts) + AllTrim(SELF:cJobNo)+'\'+AllTrim(cGroup)+'\*.*'))) ELSE cAns:='NO' ENDIF ELSEIF cKeyWord == '#CONTACT' // added 200110 cAns:=LookupNameC(cGroup) ENDIF ELSE cAns:='Error - List' ENDIF CASE cDocType == DOC_TYPE_CONTACT // locate contact - jobno+assetref+subjref+nameref +str(descend(DATED)) IF SELF:oCU:Seek(SELF:cJobNo + cGroup + cTypeRef + cGroup, FALSE, lLast) IF cColType == COL_TYPE_DOCFIELD .AND. ! Empty(cKeyWord) IF Instr(cKeyWord,'NAMEREF MADEBY DATED NEXTDATE') cAns:=AsString(SELF:oCU:FIELDGET(cKeyWord)) ELSEIF Instr(cKeyWord,'CONTTYP1 REASON CONTSTATUS NEXTTYP1') IF Instr(cKeyWord, 'CONTTYP1 NEXTTYP1') cAns:=LookupCategory(CONTACT_MODE, AsString(SELF:oCU:FIELDGET(cKeyWord))) ELSEIF cKeyWord == 'REASON' cAns:=LookupCategory(CONTACT_REASON, SELF:oCU:FIELDGET(#REASON)) ELSEIF cKeyWord == 'CONTSTATUS' cAns:=LookupCategory(CONTACT_STATUS, SELF:oCU:FIELDGET(#CONTSTATUS)) ENDIF ELSE cAns:='Field Error' ENDIF ELSEIF cColType == COL_TYPE_KEYWORD .AND. ! Empty(cKeyWord) cAns:=GetKeyData(cKeyWord, SELF:oCU:FIELDGET(#TEXTREF), cKeyType, FALSE) IF cKeyType == KEY_TYPE_YES_NO .AND. Instr('Y', Upper(cAns)) cAns:=cAns ELSEIF cKeyType == KEY_TYPE_YES_NO .AND. Instr('N', Upper(cAns)) cAns:=cAns ELSE cAns:=cAns ENDIF ELSEIF cColType == COL_TYPE_EXIST cAns:='Exists' ELSE cAns:='Error - Contact' ENDIF ELSE cAns:='Not found' ENDIF CASE cDocType == DOC_TYPE_MAIL // gendoc // locate document - Jobno+AssetRef+SubjRef+DocSrc+Type +str(descend(DATERECVD)) IF SELF:oGD:Seek(SELF:cJobNo + cGroup + cTypeRef + cSrc + cForm, FALSE, lLast) IF cColType == COL_TYPE_DOCFIELD .AND. ! Empty(cKeyWord) IF Instr(cKeyWord,'DATERECVD DATEMADE DOCTITLE GOTFROM SENDERREF SENTTO BYWHOM') cAns:=AsString(SELF:oGD:FIELDGET(cKeyWord)) ELSEIF Instr(cKeyWord,'DOCSENT') cAns:=IIF(SELF:oGD:FIELDGET(#DOCSENT), 'Sent', 'Available') ELSEIF Instr(cKeyWord,'MODERECD') // rgtr 270410 cAns:=SayMode(SELF:oGD:FIELDGET(#MODERECD)) ELSE cAns:='Field Error' ENDIF ELSEIF cColType == COL_TYPE_KEYWORD .AND. ! Empty(cKeyWord) cAns:=GetKeyData(cKeyWord, RtfToText(SELF:oGD:FIELDGET(#MESSTEXT)), cKeyType, FALSE) IF cKeyType == KEY_TYPE_YES_NO .AND. Instr('Y', Upper(cAns)) cAns:=cAns ELSEIF cKeyType == KEY_TYPE_YES_NO .AND. Instr('N', Upper(cAns)) cAns:=cAns ELSE cAns:=cAns ENDIF ELSEIF cColType == COL_TYPE_EXIST IF SELF:oGD:FIELDGET(#DOCSENT) cAns:='Sent' ELSE cAns:='Available' ENDIF ELSE cAns:='Error - Mail' ENDIF ELSE cAns:='Not found' ENDIF CASE cDocType == DOC_TYPE_FWD_MAIL// Lower(FORM_TYPE) // forward gendoc // locate document - Jobno+AssetRef+SubjRef+DocSrc+Type +str(descend(DATERECVD)) IF SELF:oGD:Seek(SELF:cJobNo + cGroup + cTypeRef + cSrc + cForm, FALSE, lLast) cDocNo:=SELF:oGD:FIELDGET(#DOCNO) // locate if sent JobNo+DocSrc+Type+DocNo+NameRef IF SELF:oCP:Seek(SELF:cJobNo + cSrc + cForm + cDocNo) cAns:='Available' SELF:oCP:OrderScope(TOPSCOPE, SELF:cJobNo + cSrc + cForm + cDocNo) SELF:oCP:OrderScope(BOTTOMSCOPE, SELF:cJobNo + cSrc + cForm + cDocNo) SELF:oCP:GoTop() DO WHILE ! SELF:oCP:EoF IF SELF:oCP:FIELDGET(#WHATTODO) == cKeyType cAns:='Sent' IF ! Empty(SELF:oCP:FIELDGET(#ACTIONDATE)) cAns:=DToC(SELF:oCP:FIELDGET(#ACTIONDATE)) EXIT ENDIF ENDIF SELF:oCP:Skip() ENDDO ELSE cAns:='Available' ENDIF ELSE cAns:='Not found' ENDIF OTHERWISE cAns:='See RGTR !' ENDCASE ELSE /// ooooooouuuuuucccccccchhhhhhhh cAns:='Lost:'+ AllTrim(cGroup) +':'+cItem ENDIF SELF:StoreInfo(cGroup, cItem, cAns, FALSE) // store info RETURN AllTrim(cAns) METHOD StoreInfo(cGroup, cItem, cInfo, lRecall) CLASS WFReview STATIC LOCAL cHeldGroup AS STRING STATIC LOCAL aData:={} AS ARRAY // {item,info} LOCAL cAns:='' AS STRING LOCAL n AS DWORD IF Empty(cHeldGroup) cHeldGroup:=cGroup aData:={} ELSEIF ! cGroup == cHeldGroup cHeldGroup:=cGroup aData:={} ENDIF IF lRecall n:=AScan(aData,{|a|Upper(a[1]) == Upper(cItem)}) IF n > 0 cAns:=aData[n,2] ELSE cAns:='Problem' ENDIF ELSE AAdd(aData,{cItem, cInfo}) ENDIF RETURN cAns regards richard
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