From: supergems on 21 Jun 2010 04:56 On 19 Mag, 15:40, Harold A Climer <Harold-Cli...(a)> wrote: > Does the HP50G have the ability to calculate a > new column or columns in a matrix or is there a program that will do > this? As in Verniers Software's Graphical Analysis or in Excel. > By this I mean if I have current in the first column, voltage in the > second column, calculate the resistance in the third column. or some > other value in the 4th column,etc. > Harold A Climer > Department Of Physics Geology and Astronomy > Room 340A EMCS Building > U.T. Chattanooga > 615 McCallie Ave > Chattnaooga TN 37403 MXeval V2.3 MXeval V2.4 XCELL
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