From: Steven Lord on

"Paulo " <biomar1(a)> wrote in message
> Help !!!!
> "Paulo " <biomar1(a)> wrote in message
> <hild11$t8a$1(a)>...
>> Thank you guys. Worked very well. So I've gone to try with ode solving
>> between diferent functions. But now I got stucked again:
>> Iam still trying to solve diferent odes changing one parameter:
>> Suppose I want to solve using ode23, one function, wich I need to choose,
>> and let select.m be the calling sintax:
>> y = selectAFunction(n);
>> Iam trying to use
>> [t,y] = ode23(@select, tspan, ci); to solve one of my differentials
>> equations (each a diferent function) pointed at "selectAFunction" by a
>> parameter at select.m Well, looks confuse, but I have now idea how to get
>> better. Please help ! :-)

Another hint:

function y = chooseFunctionHandle(n)
switch n
case 1
y = @sin;
case 2
y = @cos;
case 3
y = @tan;
% error handling omitted

y = chooseFunctionHandle(1);
t = 0:0.1:2*pi;
plot(t, y(t), 'go', t, sin(t), 'r+')

Steve Lord
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