From: AccessQuestion on
Help??? I've been searching this forum for 5 days trying to find a problem
similar to what I am having without any luck.

I have been trying to use Excel macro to record the creation, formating and
saving of a simple bar chart against my Excel data range but the macros do
not run for the chart. I am able to creat the charts okay but the macro craps
out when I run it.
I keep getting " Set ActiveChart = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(Chart1)"
type errors as if it's not recognizing the chart that I just made.

I am an advanced Excel person BUT not so with VB coding.

All I am doing is selecting a data range, inserting a chart, selecting a new
chart type, editing the chart label and then formating it to fit the page.

I'm pulling my hair out! :((( I hope someone can help me?
From: Mike Middleton on
AccessQuestion -

Excel VBA Help says "Use ChartObjects(index), where index is the embedded
chart index number or name, to return a single object."

So, maybe ChartObjects("Chart1") would work if you have named the chart
"Chart1," or maybe ChartObjects(1) would work if its the first chart.

I recommend Jon Peltier's web site for chart information. For your task, the
following page may be useful:

- Mike

"AccessQuestion" <AccessQuestion(a)> wrote in message
Help??? I've been searching this forum for 5 days trying to find a problem
similar to what I am having without any luck.

I have been trying to use Excel macro to record the creation, formating and
saving of a simple bar chart against my Excel data range but the macros do
not run for the chart. I am able to creat the charts okay but the macro
out when I run it.
I keep getting " Set ActiveChart = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(Chart1)"
type errors as if it's not recognizing the chart that I just made.

I am an advanced Excel person BUT not so with VB coding.

All I am doing is selecting a data range, inserting a chart, selecting a new
chart type, editing the chart label and then formating it to fit the page.

I'm pulling my hair out! :((( I hope someone can help me?

From: AccessQuestion on
Thanks Mike for the help! Yes I did try those names as well but
still get the same problem. I will check out Jon's website.


"Mike Middleton" wrote:

> AccessQuestion -
> Excel VBA Help says "Use ChartObjects(index), where index is the embedded
> chart index number or name, to return a single object."
> So, maybe ChartObjects("Chart1") would work if you have named the chart
> "Chart1," or maybe ChartObjects(1) would work if its the first chart.
> I recommend Jon Peltier's web site for chart information. For your task, the
> following page may be useful:
> - Mike
> "AccessQuestion" <AccessQuestion(a)> wrote in message
> news:DE831851-9CDB-4112-A870-BC569E46AF66(a)
> Help??? I've been searching this forum for 5 days trying to find a problem
> similar to what I am having without any luck.
> I have been trying to use Excel macro to record the creation, formating and
> saving of a simple bar chart against my Excel data range but the macros do
> not run for the chart. I am able to creat the charts okay but the macro
> craps
> out when I run it.
> I keep getting " Set ActiveChart = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(Chart1)"
> type errors as if it's not recognizing the chart that I just made.
> I am an advanced Excel person BUT not so with VB coding.
> All I am doing is selecting a data range, inserting a chart, selecting a new
> chart type, editing the chart label and then formating it to fit the page.
> I'm pulling my hair out! :((( I hope someone can help me?
> Thanks!
> .
From: Ed Ferrero on

There is a difference in VBA between a Chart and a ChartObject. The latter
is a sort of container for a Chart and can be embedded in a Worksheet.

ActiveChart is a property of the ChartObject and is read-only.
You can't write something like Set ActiveChart = MyObject.

To use the Chart name instead of the index, find out what the chart name is
(Ctrl-Click on the embedded chart and read the name of the Chart Object at
the top left). Then enclose it in double-quotes in your code. Usually
something like
..ChartObjects("Chart 1") not .ChartObjects(Chart1)

Try running this bit of code to understand what is going on;

Option Explicit ' good idea to always put this before any of your

Sub tst()
Dim cht As Chart
Dim oCht As ChartObject

Set oCht = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 1")
Set cht = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 1").Chart

Debug.Print oCht.Name, cht.Name

' you can activate the ChartObject , you can't activate the chart

End Sub

Ed Ferrero

From: AccessQuestion on
Thank you very much Ed! I will try out what you mean as well.


"Ed Ferrero" wrote:

> Hi,
> There is a difference in VBA between a Chart and a ChartObject. The latter
> is a sort of container for a Chart and can be embedded in a Worksheet.
> ActiveChart is a property of the ChartObject and is read-only.
> You can't write something like Set ActiveChart = MyObject.
> To use the Chart name instead of the index, find out what the chart name is
> (Ctrl-Click on the embedded chart and read the name of the Chart Object at
> the top left). Then enclose it in double-quotes in your code. Usually
> something like
> ..ChartObjects("Chart 1") not .ChartObjects(Chart1)
> Try running this bit of code to understand what is going on;
> Option Explicit ' good idea to always put this before any of your
> code
> Sub tst()
> Dim cht As Chart
> Dim oCht As ChartObject
> Set oCht = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 1")
> Set cht = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 1").Chart
> Debug.Print oCht.Name, cht.Name
> ' you can activate the ChartObject , you can't activate the chart
> oCht.Activate
> End Sub
> Ed Ferrero
> .