From: theRat on

I've used NetBeans 5.5.1 rc1 to successfully create an "ejb-based" web
service that I am able to successfully deploy to both JBoss 4.x and
Sun's application server 9.2 - but whenever I try to deploy it to
WebLogic 10.0 I get an error:

[HTTP:101216]Servlet: "WSEE_SERVLET" failed to preload on startup in
Web application: "/Stinky".
class: stunk.jaxws.Yuck could not be found

I'm not sure why WebLogic 10.0 is looking for this class. There is no
reference to this class inside the ear that contains the webservice.

Just to be clear, since Netbeans 5.5 doesn't yet support WebLogic
10.x, I use a target of JBoss 4.3. I then build the application and
manually deploy it to both JBoss 4.3 and Sun's application server 9.2
and am able to use the web service just fine. But when I copy the ear
file to WebLogic 10's autodeploy directory, I get the above error.

Any ideas?

