From: Luis Lavena on
On Aug 3, 5:31 am, Serguei Cambour <s.camb...(a)> wrote:
> I have no access to the Internet to be able to install all needed gems,
> so I downloaded them one by one and put to a local folder:
> - cgi_multipart_eof_fix-2.5.0.gem,
> - fastthread-1.0.7.gem,
> - gem_plugin-0.2.3.gem
> - json-1.1.9.gem
> - json_pure-1.1.9.gem
> - mongrel-1.1.5.gem
> - needle-1.3.0.gem
> - net-scp-1.0.2.gem
> - net-ssh-1.1.4.gem
> - net-ssh-2.0.15.gem
> - rack-1.0.1.gem
> - rails-2.3.4.gem
> - actionmailer-2.3.4.gem
> - actionpack-2.3.4.gem
> - activerecord-2.3.4.gem
> - activeresource-2.3.4.gem
> - activesupport-2.3.4.gem
> - rake-0.8.7.gem
> - mysql-2.8.1.gem
> ...
> So no way to install the 2 essential for me gems: mysql and mongrel.
> Does anybody have an idea how to resolve these problems?

For you to avoid triggering the gem compilation process, you need to
download already compiled binaries.

Instead of mysql-2.8.1.gem you need to download mysql-2.8.1-x86-

x86-mswin32-60 and x86-mswin32 are the gem platform that identifies
your Ruby installation.

You can find these gems in the RubyGems website and download from

Please note that you will also need any MySQL 5.0.x, preferable the
noinstall packages, as you need a 32bits version of libmysql.dll

You can find similar details in the RubyInstaller wiki page:

Luis Lavena
From: Serguei Cambour on
I didn't find mysql-2.8.1-x86- mswin32-60.gem, just
mysql-2.8.1-x86-mswin32.gem, is it a typo ?
Ok for mongrel gem , I'll try to install them tomorrow and let you know.
THank you.
Posted via

From: Luis Lavena on
On Aug 3, 4:42 pm, Serguei Cambour <s.camb...(a)> wrote:
> I didn't find mysql-2.8.1-x86- mswin32-60.gem, just
> mysql-2.8.1-x86-mswin32.gem, is it a typo ?

No, some gems do not strict the mswin32 version, x86-mswin32 is
compatible with x86-mswin32-60

It is safe to download that version.

Luis Lavena
From: Serguei Cambour on
Luis Lavena wrote:
> On Aug 3, 4:42�pm, Serguei Cambour <s.camb...(a)> wrote:
>> I didn't find mysql-2.8.1-x86- mswin32-60.gem, just
>> mysql-2.8.1-x86-mswin32.gem, is it a typo ?
> No, some gems do not strict the mswin32 version, x86-mswin32 is
> compatible with x86-mswin32-60
> It is safe to download that version.

It works like a charm, THANKS a lot !

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