From: J�rgen Exner on
"Thomas Andersson" <thomas(a)> wrote:
>Next thing I need to add is a check for the exit
>conditions. Thinking about using $page as condition might be a bad idea, how
>about it checking for a signal variable to be set? Inside the loop code
>would run untill my exit conditions are meet and then it sets the signal
>variable telling the loop to end?

Why does this remind me of the typical poor approaches of first year
Computer Science students? :-)

No, this is almost always a Very Bad Idea(TM). Setting flags like that
quickly leads to very hard to maintain code.

I have not idea what your exit criterion is, but you should loop while
it is not met
while (!exit_criterion(whateverArgYouNeedToComputeIt)

Perl also gives you an additional function "last" which will exit the
loop immediately. It is a nice pragmatic shortcut, although programming
purists frown upon it.

From: J�rgen Exner on
"Thomas Andersson" <thomas(a)> wrote:
>Prob is it will never fail, the server keeps feeding pages with no content
>in so a test needs to be added inside the loop.

Then obviously you are using the wrong condition for your loop.

>Would the following code help exiting the loop?
> if ( $page eq $endstring ) {
> exit( 0 );
> };
>($endstring = "No more sorties" which is the string replacing data in emprty

If this is the end condition for the loop then it would help even more
if your put it in the condition for the loop.

while (........ and ($page ne $endstring)) {

From: Thomas Andersson on
J�rgen Exner wrote:

> Why does this remind me of the typical poor approaches of first year
> Computer Science students? :-)

Well, I'm a one day hobbie studier so same same ;)

> No, this is almost always a Very Bad Idea(TM). Setting flags like that
> quickly leads to very hard to maintain code.

OK, good to know.

> I have not idea what your exit criterion is, but you should loop while
> it is not met
> while (!exit_criterion(whateverArgYouNeedToComputeIt)
> Perl also gives you an additional function "last" which will exit the
> loop immediately. It is a nice pragmatic shortcut, although
> programming purists frown upon it.

The loop has been rewritten and workds as intended now, using last to exit
on the two possible conditions. Now look like this:

while (1) {
my $page = get "$pbase?page=$pcnt&pid=$pid";
last if $page =~/No sorties/;
# Store grabbed webpage into the file
append_file( "c:/scr/$pid.txt", $page ) ;
last if $page =~/"sid=$lproc"/;
# Update page number and grab next.

From: Thomas Andersson on
Sherm Pendley wrote:

> Exit() exits the *program*. In this case, since your loop is basically
> the whole program, it amounts to the same thing, but that won't always
> be the case! Better to use last - that's what it's for.

It will make a difference as this is only part of the program I need to do.
I'm using last now.

> Is it sent as plain text, without even a newline character at the end?
> I doubt that - more likely, it's an HTML page that *contains* that
> string. That being the case, you could use the index() function to see
> if $endstring appears anywhere in $page:
> if ( index($page, $endstring) == -1 ) {
> last;
> }

I'm currently using:
last if $page =~/No sorties/;
Which seems to do the trick, is there a downside to using my solution?

From: Sherm Pendley on
Jürgen Exner <jurgenex(a)> writes:

> If this is the end condition for the loop then it would help even more
> if your put it in the condition for the loop.
> while (........ and ($page ne $endstring)) {

It's a judgement call. Sometimes, especially if there are several con-
ditions, it can make more sense to use last:

while(foo && bar && baz)

while(1) {
last unless foo;
last unless bar;
last unless baz;

Which form to use is best judged on a case-by-case basis, with the
goal being readability.


Sherm Pendley <>
Cocoa Developer