From: Sparky on

"Arthur Entlich" <e-printerhelp(a)> wrote in message
> Sparky wrote:
>> You were good enough to reply to my post last week , I wonder if I could
>> trouble you again ?
>> I posted regarding removing the carts so that I could clean the print
>> head ,
>> which is missing black. I was concerned they'd be marked as empty by the
>> printer on reinsertion ( they weren't).
>> I cleaned the head , ran a test print , and all seemed OK. A day or so
>> later
>> , I tried to print again using the Plain Paper settings and the page came
>> out completely ' clean ' . No a speck of black was as though
>> there
>> was no black cart installed. If I remember correctly , you stated that
>> there
>> were 2 sets of nozzles and that's why I could print on photo paper
>> settings
>> and not plain ?
>> I did another clean , and used compress air to blow through , but no
>> luck.
>> On plain paper the page is blank . I swapped for a new cart with the same
>> result ( except this time , when I put the original back in , it was
>> marked
>> as EMPTY ( very annoying ) , so I disabled the Status Monitor.
>> For the past few days I've been looking for replacements , but I don't
>> really see anything that appeals. I'm reluctant to go with another Canon
>> ,
>> HP seems the most likely candidate right now , but their carts are way
>> too
>> expensive , and the only 3rd party alternatives seem to involve re
>> filling ?
>> I'd rather use a machine that has replacement 3rd party carts available.
>> That appears to be Epson or Brother ? I've had Epson before , and
>> experienced the block print head syndrome. Not keen to go down THAT
>> avenue
>> again. From what I've read , the Brother machines seem quite ' reliable '
>> even if the print quality is somewhat lacking ( I don't print photos so
>> that's really not an issue...)
>> Anyway , what I'd REALLY like to know is there anything I can do to
>> repair
>> the plain paper printing on the Canon ? My guess is probably no , but
>> before
>> it becomes a donation to the recyclers , I thought I'd ask.
>> Many thanks for your input.
>> Sparky.
> I don;t recall if you requested my Canon cleaning manual or not, which has
> a few suggestions on head cleaning beyond compressed air. If not, you can
> request a copy by emailing me at:
> e-printerhelp(at)mvps(dot)org
> (at) = @
> (dot) = .
> The only other thing I can suggest is that it is possible a bad connection
> between the printer and print head has developed for the plain paper
> nozzle set. Make sure the contacts are clean, and make good contact with
> the printer side.
> Before giving up on your printer, consider buying a replacement head. You
> may be able to get one via ebay at a reasonable price. However, I cannot
> guarantee the head is the cause of the problem, there are other potential
> electronic issues.
> Art

Thankyou Art

I was actually surprised at the gunk the air managed to dislodge...I thought
it was relatively clean after the Windex treatment.

I think I'll just jolly it along , as long as it prints at all , and hope
that someone comes out with a replacement machine that appeals to me !

Much appreciated ( I'm sure I'll be back ! )
