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From: scubaal on 20 Apr 2010 17:28 I have spent 6 hours on this so far :( IIS7 on W2Kx64. I am trying to run an ISAPI_filter (ISAP_redirect.dll) I have this filter running on my W2k3 + IIS6 box without issue. I have downloaded the 64 bit version to the server. Enabled ISAPI Extensions Enabled the execute option in 'edit handler mappings' Added it to the ISAPI and CGI restrictions List - allow Added it to ISAPI filter for the site Isuue is when I start IIS NOTHING happens. ie it doesn't work; but also there are no errors anywhere. It seems like IIS isnt even looking for/at the dll? I have even changed the name of the dll so its WRONG (ie not the same as the path in IIS) to try and force an error but nix. No errors in event log. IIS starts up sweet and runs - but without calling the ISAPI filter. This is driving me nuts. It's way easier to diagnose sopmething when you have an error message to start from :) I am sure I am missing something simple - any ideas? Al.
From: scubaal on 21 Apr 2010 04:38
For anyone else looking I got this work by setting "allow unspecified ISAPI modules" in ISAPI and CGI Restrioctions. I dont know why- as I already had the ISAPI_redirect dll explicitally allowed; but its not the strnagest thing that has ever happened in the world of IIS :) Hope this helps others. Al. |