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From: Shahar on 6 Jun 2010 11:29 Hi, Is there any way to catch incoming modal dialog box (and close it)? I can't disable the dialog box because its part of pcode which cannot be changed and need to be used. I currently use timer in the code, but the execution of timer within another timer cause problems (and won't execute), so I'm looking for a different method to do Thanks in advance, Shahar % kill the modal dialog as soon as it pops out myTimer = timer('ExecutionMode', 'fixedRate', ... 'Name', 'MyTimer', ... 'BusyMode', 'queue', ... 'TimerFcn', @FindAndKill,... 'StartDelay', 0.2, ... 'Period', 0.2); start( myTimer); % the modal dialog will pop up after this BringOnTheModalDialog; stop(myTimer); delete(myTimer); function FindAndKill( varargin ) allHandle = allchild(0); allName = get(allHandle, 'Name'); TheNameMatch = strcmpi(allName, 'ThisIsTheOne'); myBox = allHandle( TheNameMatch ); if ~isempty(myBox) set(get(myBox,'CurrentObject'), 'String', 'Yes'); set(myBox, 'waitstatus', 'inactive'); drawnow; end
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