From: LD5SZRA on

"anna" <anna(a)accblockspamcom> wrote in message

> I have found that some manual editing is needed in Front Page. And it
> does not always provide the code that is used by other browsers. Internet
> Explorer is pretty forgiving. But Safari, or Mozilla are picky. They
> like to see the DIV code.

FP2003 wasn't designed to be Compliant with todays Standards. It is some 7
years old and so it is time to either move on to the latest tools or be
prepared to use some manual editing.

Also, IE 9 out very soon - Platform preview is here: will be picky too because it is very
Standards Compliant and also it won't run on Windows XP! I don't think
websites prepared on FP2003 can run on IE9 unless it is created with strict
html and nothing else. Manually editted websites should be OK provided
Standards have been followed.
