From: Sylvia Else on
On 9/04/2010 12:02 PM, Noodle wrote:
> I just got this error from, when attempting to
> send a message via "Contact Us".
> What does it mean?
> "
> The following information is meant for the website developer for
> debugging purposes.
> Error Occurred While Processing Request
> Error Executing Database Query.
> DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -911, SQLSTATE: 40001, SQLERRMC: 2
> Resources:
> Enable Robust Exception Information to provide greater detail about
> the source of errors. In the Administrator, click Debugging& Logging
>> Debugging Settings, and select the Robust Exception Information
> option.
> Check the ColdFusion documentation to verify that you are using the
> correct syntax.
> Search the Knowledge Base to find a solution to your problem.
> Browser Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR
> 2.0.50727; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)
> Remote Address
> Referrer
> Date/Time 09-Apr-10 11:57 AM
> "

Probably that you've discovered an SQL insertion vulnerability. Enjoy.

From: Asazel on
This error means that their computer tried to look something up in their
database, but failed. It has little or nothing to do with what you
did...more likely it means that there is a programming error or computer
malfunction at Centrelink.

There's nothing you can do to fix this error because it does not originate
from your computer.

The drones at centrelink need to fix it at their end.

From: SG1 on

"Asazel" <asazel(a)> wrote in message
> This error means that their computer tried to look something up in their
> database, but failed. It has little or nothing to do with what you
> did...more likely it means that there is a programming error or computer
> malfunction at Centrelink.
> There's nothing you can do to fix this error because it does not originate
> from your computer.
> The drones at centrelink need to fix it at their end.

You used FIX & CERTRELINK in the same line. Bit of a worry??????

From: Sandgroper on

"Noodle" <noodle(a)> wrote in message
>I just got this error from, when attempting to
> send a message via "Contact Us".
> What does it mean?
> "
> The following information is meant for the website developer for
> debugging purposes.
> Error Occurred While Processing Request
> Error Executing Database Query.
> DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -911, SQLSTATE: 40001, SQLERRMC: 2

Enable cookies for the Centrelink web site.

Also that link is not right , it contains upper case letters , they all
should be lower case , but it does default back to the link below.

< >


Save planet Earth !
It is the only place that has Pizza and Beer !

From: Asazel on

> You used FIX & CERTRELINK in the same line. Bit of a worry??????

Ooops. I guess that should say, the Centrelink drones now need to say that
they are experiencing a higher than normal number of database errors. Your
error has been placed in a cue and will be seen by the next available
programmer, unless a tea-break comes along, in which case they will simply
throw it away and ignore it. They welcome your feedback, and take all
feedback seriously but due to privacy concerns, and recent changes to
various bits of un-name government legislation they are not actually able to
say or do anything or have an opinion about anything in case their
supervisor finds out and punishes them for having an original thought and
saying something that is not included in the script.