From: Maj_USA_Ret on
Need steps to change the color or backgound of the worksheet that is a chart.
Have multiple tabs in workbook that are just the charts. Only option for
background is to use Format-Sheet-Background. That changes background of
chart, but not the grey areas around the chart on the chart tab.
From: trip_to_tokyo on
You need to select the Chart Area (what you call the, "grey areas around the
chart") and format that.

There are 2 separate, "parts" to a chart:-

1. The Plot Area (which you seem to have formatted OK) and the

2. Chart Area.

You need to select each of them to format them.

If my comments have helped please hit Yes.


"Maj_USA_Ret" wrote:

> Need steps to change the color or backgound of the worksheet that is a chart.
> Have multiple tabs in workbook that are just the charts. Only option for
> background is to use Format-Sheet-Background. That changes background of
> chart, but not the grey areas around the chart on the chart tab.
From: Jon Peltier on
You're stuck with the gray areas, as far as I can tell.

- Jon
Jon Peltier
Peltier Technical Services, Inc.

On 3/4/2010 1:32 PM, Maj_USA_Ret wrote:
> Need steps to change the color or backgound of the worksheet that is a chart.
> Have multiple tabs in workbook that are just the charts. Only option for
> background is to use Format-Sheet-Background. That changes background of
> chart, but not the grey areas around the chart on the chart tab.
From: AdamV on
The areas either side of a chart seem to be coloured according to the
colour scheme you choose, in Excel 2007, ie based on the blue, silver or
black theme.
Howver, if you resize the chart and/or zoom in/out you can fill the
available space so you can't see them, but this depends on your monitor
resolution and aspect ration - your colleagues may get a different view
of the chart than you.


On 04/03/2010 18:32, Maj_USA_Ret wrote:
> Need steps to change the color or backgound of the worksheet that is a chart.
> Have multiple tabs in workbook that are just the charts. Only option for
> background is to use Format-Sheet-Background. That changes background of
> chart, but not the grey areas around the chart on the chart tab.