From: James Sampson on 3 May 2010 18:04 I wrote the following code to compute a FFT in MATLAB. I have it working, and have confirmed its accuracy using MATLAB's built in FFT function. My question is, how can I change this to do an inverse FFT? CODE: function f = myfft(p,data) %1 if 2^(p+1)>length(data) if floor(log(length(data))/log(2))==log(length(data))/log(2) p=log(length(data))/log(2)-1; else p=floor(log(length(data))/log(2)); end fprintf('Due to an insufficient amount of data,\n') fprintf('p has been changed to the maximum possible value: %d\n',p) end m=2^p; M=m; p=round(log(2*m)/log(2)); q=p-1; zeta = exp(pi*i/m); %2 C = data(1:2*m); %3 xi=zeta.^(1:m); xi=[xi -xi]; %4 K = 0; %5 for L = 1 : p %6 while K < 2*m-1 %7 for iter = 1 : M %8 M1 = floor(K/exp(q*log(2))); k = M1; K2=0; for count = 1 : p K2 = 2*K2+k-2*floor(k/2); k = floor(k/2); end; eta = C(K+M+1); %9 if K2 ~= 0 eta = eta*xi(K2); end; C(K+M+1) = C(K+1)-eta; C(K+1) = C(K+1)+eta; %10 K = K+1; end; %11 K = K+M; end; %12 K = 0; M = floor(M/2); q = q-1; end; %13 while K < 2*m-1 %14 k = K; sum=0; for count = 1 : p sum = 2*sum+k-2*floor(k/2); k = floor(k/2); end; %15 if sum > K temp = C(K+1); C(K+1) = C(sum+1); C(sum+1) = temp; end; %16 K = K+1; end; %17 and 18 C=conj(C); ab=exp((-i*pi*m)*((1:2*m)-1)).*C(1:2*m)'/m; a=real(ab(:)); b=imag(ab(:)); fprintf('Coefficients c(0), ... , c(2m-1)\n'); C fprintf('\nCoefficients a(0), ..., a(m)\n'); a; fprintf('\nCoefficients b(1), ..., b(m-1)\n'); b; f=C; %plotthisFFT(C,iter,begx,endx,steps) end function plotthisFFT(data,iter,begx,endx,steps) y=zeros(1,steps); x=begx:(endx-begx)/(steps-1):endx; for iteration=1:steps y(iteration)=(-4*A/pi)*sum(sin((1:iter).*pi/2).*(-1).^(1:iter).*(1:iter).^(-1).*(cos((1:iter).*pi/3)+1).*cos((1:iter).*2*pi*((x(iteration)-1/12))/T)); end plot(x,y) xlabel('t') ylabel('y') title('Fourier Series as given by ffseries') end
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