From: Medardo Lacayo on
Hello All,

Before getting to my question, allow me to share the scenario...

I have one SQL server(SQL01) in our network, behind the firewall, that
currently has both the rs FrontEnd Components and the rs databases installed.

I just got a new web server(WEBSRV01) that we have external to the firewall.
I installed the rs components on it and configured it and initialized it
correctly only to find that SQL 2005 Reporting services does not support
Scale-Out Deployments. So now I have two instances of rs: one on SQL01 and
one in WEBSRV01 pointing to the same database on SQL01.

QUESTION: Is there a way to shutdown/stop/deactivate the rs instance in
SQL01 so that the rs instance in WEBSRV01 is the only one actively pointing
to the database in SQL01? I assume that if it is the only instance connected
to the rs database on SQL01 that I will no longer get the message: The
feature: "Scale-out deployment" is not supported in this edition of Reporting
Services. (rsOperationNotSupported) (rsRPCError)

Any help is much appreciated!