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From: Skybuck Flying on 29 Jul 2010 05:47 It's is often said that opengl is a big state machine. The question is does this extend/apply to user provided data as well, like verteces for example ?!? If so then in theorie the following should work: // rendering loop: while true do begin glClear; // perhaps... clear could be skipped as well. if mFirst then begin // supply vertex data to opengl state machine only on first frame glVertexPointer end; // supply color information for each frame. glColorPointer // draw vertex array. // flush. end; So far the theory... The question is... will this work in practice ?!? Or will it not work and will opengl become confused ?!? Is the call to glVertexPointer necessary for each frame (static data) ? hmmm. Time will tell, since sometime it will make an example or implementation of these idea's ;) I suspect it won't work... but it would be great if it did ;) :) I give it a 50% of working and 50% of not working. Bye, Skybuck ;) :) |