From: Courtney Williams on

I have created a function file and a script file that charges an RC Circuit and now I have to modify the program to show the RC circuit charging and discharging by making for the pulse is long enough to reach vfinal = 5.0 mV and possibly changing the stimulation time but I am having trouble doing this. My code for charging an RC circuit is below:

Script file

function b = b(t,vout)

Cm = 1.0e-6;
Rm = 1.5e6;
Iin = 3.33e-6;
b = ((Rm*Iin) - vout)/(Rm*Cm);


Function file

% tau = 1.5 ms
% time step (change in time) = 1.5 ms/5 = 0.3 ms
% I chose this value beacuse it takes 5 times before the time constant
% reaches steady state.
% tmax = 10RC = 10(1.5 ms) = 15 ms
% Iin = Vfin/Rm = 3.33e-6 mA

Cm = 1.0e-6;
Rm = 1.5e6;
Iin = 3.33e-6;
dur = 7.5;
tmax = 15;
dt = 0.3;
t = 0:dt:tmax;
vout(1) = 0;

for i=1:length(t)-1

if 0 <= t(i) <= dur

stimulus = Iin;


stimulus = 0;


vout (i+1) = vout(i)+ dt*b(t(i),vout(i));

