From: Reff on 28 Jan 2010 21:30 This code work successfully. Thanks a lot.
From: Reff on 23 Feb 2010 10:19 After do for single image,it successful. Now i'm trying to do it with chili tree. I try to change the threshold value but it fail to recognize the chili. I have upload the chili tree image at : Can i know how to recognize the chili from the chili tree. Thanks
From: Image Analyst on 23 Feb 2010 11:47 Just use the same concepts. It gets more complicated because now you have shadows, obscuration by leaves, more variety of colors, etc. But it's your project. I can't keep giving you free code as it gets more and more complicated, and more and more time consuming to develop code. I know it can take a lot of time - I have a full time job doing nothing but image analysis algorithm development on an incredibly wide variety of complex images obtained from different modalities. You can just use the same concepts I've showed you already but you need to adapt it to become more robust in these kinds of real world situations. Good luck.
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