From: svdleer on

I pong from my computer to de ads2 wan IP

340585: Mar 9 19:31:55.028 CET: ICMP: echo reply sent, src <adsl2 wan
ip>, dst <my ip adress
340586: Mar 9 19:31:56.008 CET: ICMP: echo reply sent, src <adsl2 wan
ip>, dst <my ip adress>
340587: Mar 9 19:31:57.047 CET: ICMP: echo reply sent, src <adsl2 wan
IP>, dst <my ip adress>

But no reply on my side.

It seems like, when i trace from the router, the default route is over
the other dsl line
S* is directly connected, Dialer0

From: svdleer on
I allready was able to ping (the gateway of dsl provider)

But i'm still nog able to ping the second adsl wan IP adress

From: Merv on

The default route is over the other adsl line since that is what is
connfigured on your router

What result does extended ping give you for the?

ping ip source <ADSL2 WAN IP address>

From: svdleer on

Merv wrote:
> The default route is over the other adsl line since that is what is
> connfigured on your router

True, but that means return traffic ment for the 2nd adsl interface is
beeing routed over the 1st adsl interface

> What result does extended ping give you for the?
> ping ip source <ADSL2 WAN IP address>

Thats working. Traceroute isn't

From: Merv on
> > What result does extended ping give you for the?
> >
> > ping ip source <ADSL2 WAN IP address>
> Thats working. Traceroute isn't

Try extended traceroute

Protocol [ip]: ip
Target IP address:
Source address: