From: Johannes Baagoe on
Ry Nohryb :

> Guess what would drive people away from writing it so :
> var fact21 = (function fact (n) {
> return n > 0 ? n * fact(n - 1) : 1;
> })(21);

From: The Boss
To: Software developers
Subject: Unnecessary cuteness in production code

It has come to my attention that several software developers have fallen
into the habit of writing terse code that requires lengthy explanations
when straightforward self-explanatory code would serve equally well.

This is to stop immediately. We are in the business of serving the
customers' needs, not the technical staff's egos.

The Boss.
From: Marco Mariani on
On 04/22/2010 11:45 AM, VK wrote:

> But I do *not* hate IE in particular for kipping the original
> FunctionExpression behavior or having a slightly different elision
> treatment in array declarations. These two are "fixation points" of
> Brendan Eich, not mine - he runs with them for years and puts nearly
> on each ECMA committee session, at least used to. For me these are
> laughable nuisance points to prove someone "evilness".

Maybe it's because those nuisances can easily be fixed, while fixing the
behaviour (or the very existence) of 'undefined' would basically require
a time machine.

From: Johannes Baagoe on
Ry Nohryb :

> The "do NOT use named FEs" advice that has spread far and wide.

I rather think I shall continue to spread it, although I have
somewhat softened my position - the "recursion" argument does make
sense. Still, I prefer to affect the inner function to a variable in
the outer function's scope, and I haven't been convinced that there
is a significant disadvantage in doing so.

But my reasons for doing so has nothing to do with that bug I didn't
even know existed. It because I like to think of

function f() {/*...*/}

as a mere shorthand, a.k.a. "syntactical sugar", for

var f = function() {/*...*/};

(I suspect that this is not true, and I expect to be told in elaborate
detail why it only shows a lamentable ignorance of the specs, for
which I shall be duly grateful.

But my point is that in some future, simple language for beginners,
that is how it *should* be. Actually, I would prefer to see function
declarations disappear altogether, if it were not for legacy that
cannot be easily dismissed.)

> Just another bit of Microsoft's (evil) legacy for the web.

Look - in my entire existence, I have bought *one* Microsoft product
with my own money: the BASIC that came with the, IIRC, "Floating Point
Memory Extension Card" for my Apple II.

So I am hardly a Microsoft fan, and I have just saved my mother-in-law
140 € by insisting that the computer she is going to buy this
afternoon (and that I am likely to have to maintain) run Ubuntu.

But I believe that this crusade is counter-productive. Rather than bashing
Microsoft, or for that matter anybody else, promote better alternatives.

From: Stefan Weiss on
On 22/04/10 14:45, VK wrote:
> On Apr 22, 2:42 pm, VK <schools_r...(a)> wrote:
>> ( function foo() {/*...*/} )()
>> ^__________________________^
>> foo visibility scope
> Correction: not even that. The specs reading they came back on the
> market is not describable at all in any common scope terms because in
> say Firefox
> var a = ( function f(){return 1}() + 1 );
> window.alert(a); // 2
> but
> var a = ( function f(){return 1}() + f() );
> window.alert(a); // Error: f is not defined
> So trying to express it in some human way, "within an expression a
> FunctionExpression gets an implicit temporary scope and is not visible
> to the rest of the expression; this implicit temporary scope gets
> destroyed after the containing expression is evaluated".

Could it be that you're just confused about the parentheses? They have
nothing at all to do with scope and visibility. The only reason they are
sometimes required is to make a function *expression* out of what would
otherwise be a *declaration*. In both your examples, the parentheses are
redundant, because the "f" function is already in expression form.

The "f" identifier is only visible inside the function *body*, which is
consistent with JS's function-as-scope paradigm. Microsoft breaks that
rule by making "f" available outside the function body - and not only
that: IE doesn't even need the expression to be evaluated at all. It
simply confuses NFE with function declarations:

function ouch () {
alert(typeof foo); // "function" - this is correct
alert(typeof bar); // IE: "function"; others: "undefined"
return; // evaluation stops here!
function foo() {}
var unused = function bar() {};

(Note that there are no parentheses around the function expression)
Now, are you still calling that a feature in MSIE?

From: Johannes Baagoe on
Garrett Smith :
> Johannes Baagoe :

>> If I want to define 21! inline using neither named function expressions
>> nor function declarations, the best I have come up with is
>> ((function() {
>> return fact = function(n) {return n > 0 ? n * fact(n - 1) : 1;};
>> }())(21));
>> which is hardly a model of legibility.

> Or design.

Of course. 51090942171709440000 is much more efficient.

But that isn't the point. I try to figure out whether there are cases
where function expressions need be named, or at least are better named.
My starting position is (or was) "No, named functions are creatures
of the darkness - their syntax sucks by mixing two notions in a way
that is bound create to confusion, for no benefit at all". (And Microsoft
has *nothing* to do with the matter, I didn't suspect that *other*
objections to named function expressions were part of a holy war.)

However, as Stefan Weiss and others rightly point out, there appears
to be at least one case where names for function expressions are
definitely useful: when the function expression calls itself. There
are alternatives, but they are not clearly better, and in the case
of my rather quixotic attempt above, clearly worse.
