From: Daniel Hobbs on
I am new to the mapping toolbox and urgently need to complete some plots. I need to plot a coastline of Western Australia, and then overlay some latitude and longitude stations onto the map. Does anyone know how to do this, I have the following code to plot the WA coastline, which is working:

workingDirectory = tempdir;
files = gunzip('gshhs_h.b.gz', workingDirectory);
coord = load('STN_DATA_R1.txt');
filename = files{1};
indexfile = gshhs(filename, 'createindex');
latlim = [-36 -10];
lonlim = [112 130];
S = gshhs(filename, latlim, lonlim);
levels = [S.Level];
L1 = S(levels == 1);
axesm('mercator', 'MapLatLimit', latlim, 'MapLonLimit', lonlim)
gridm; mlabel; plabel
geoshow([L1.Lat], [L1.Lon], 'Color', 'blue')

The latitude and longitude stations are in decimal degress stored in two seperate arrays, one being latitude (size = 243,1) and the other longitude (size = 243,1).

I have tried adding the following but i think im missing something, possibly the "hold on" function

plot(long, lat, 'rd', 'MarkerSize', 4);