From: jgolub on
I don't know offhand if it works with PGP 9. You'll have to find that out
yourself :).

Below is the cfexecute code that I used, where the request.pgp.exe variable
contains a full path to the PGP executable.

<!--- execute --->
<cfset output = "">
arguments='"#attributes.inputFilePath#" -o "#attributes.outputFilePath#"
-z #attributes.passphrase#'
variable = "output">

From: aubweb on
Thanks Joshua

but what's #attributes.inputFilePath# & #attributes.outputFilePath#
is it the syntax to decrypt a string ?
From: jgolub on
The command-line tool works on files, not strings. So, you put into a file the
string that you want decrypted.

Then, attributes.inputFilePath is the variable containing the full path to the
file to be decrypted.

attributes.outputFilePath is the variable containing the full path to the file
that will be created to contain the decrypted information.

attribute.passphrase is the variable containing the passphrase needed to gain
access to the private key needed for the decryption.

From: aubweb on
Hi hwy419,

yes I am running cf8.
you'll find this option there : Extensions > CFX Tags > Manage C++ CFX