From: Guy Bloomfield on
Matlab 2010a for one of our users occasionally takes up 50% of the computer's processor and stays there. The user can issue commands on the command line and they will execute slowly. Is there a command that I can issue that will show us what Matlab is doing in the background?
From: Jan Simon on
Dear Guy!

> Matlab 2010a for one of our users occasionally takes up 50% of the computer's processor and stays there. The user can issue commands on the command line and they will execute slowly. Is there a command that I can issue that will show us what Matlab is doing in the background?

1. Inspect the function the user has called before.
2. A crude "clear all" might cause errors in the background functions. These errors should show the corresponding function names in the messages. If no errors occur, perhaps INMEM can show, which functions are loaded to the memory.
3. Call TIMERFIND to find timer functions. Which other methods can create "background" activities? Did you start threads in a mex functions, which do not terminate properly?

But to be true: The problem sound myterious in my ears. I hope someone else has more specific ideas.

Good luck, Jan
From: Walter Roberson on
Jan Simon wrote:

>> Matlab 2010a for one of our users occasionally takes up 50% of the
>> computer's processor and stays there. The user can issue commands on
>> the command line and they will execute slowly. Is there a command
>> that I can issue that will show us what Matlab is doing in the
>> background?

> But to be true: The problem sound myterious in my ears. I hope someone
> else has more specific ideas.

I would add that the Matlab profiler might help.
From: Guy Bloomfield on
Thanks for the reply Jan.

The users says he doesn't use MEX functions but is using the report generator. Assuming that uses MEX functions.

I'll read up on the profiler and see if that sheds any light.
From: Walter Roberson on
Guy Bloomfield wrote:

> The users says he doesn't use MEX functions but is using the report
> generator. Assuming that uses MEX functions.
> I'll read up on the profiler and see if that sheds any light.

Is it possible that the user's system does not have especially much RAM
and that Matlab is exceeding the physical RAM and this is using the
system swap file? Swapping to disk is very slow, and can result in the
kinds of behaviour you report.
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