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From: Cameron Kaiser on 20 Apr 2010 10:30 Last Change/Update: 21 August 2009 =================== A +++ before an entry indicates that the entry is new, or has been updated, or has changed, since the last Listing. A --- before an entry indicates that the _prior_ entry was removed from the list, since the last Listing. A ??? before an entry indicates that the entry resolves, but does not connect. The number next to it indicates the first report from which this problem has been open. A host that does not connect with 6 months of reported downtime or more will be deleted on the next report. Please report if this host is working and the tag will be removed. The Last updated: date refers to the time this entry in the FAQ was last updated, not when the site was. Sites active for long periods of time may have "old" entries -- interpret this as a mark of stability. IP addresses are included for convenience and may abruptly change if an ISP revises their address block or people move around. I include them for the use of simple clients, but when in doubt, use the name. Please report changes to me to keep this in sync. =================== This is the list of FTP sites containing software and programs specific to the Commodore 64 and 128 computers, Vic-20, and the PET. URL addresses are also listed, for convenience. The original bi-monthly posting schedule is now in effect, and this FAQ should appear automatically on the 6th and 20th of each month. Please, if I'm off base, send E-mail with any corrections and updates. If you uncover a site not listed, tell me so that it can be added. If a site has closed or no longer carries CBM software, let me know and it will be deleted. It is impossible to stay current on a long list, so I depend on field reports. I will only list FTP sites here, as there are now large numbers of web based archives and links to them as well and I don't want to be redundant. 0ld sk00l rUl3z and all that. ===== To use this list on a UNIX system, just type 'ftp <sitename>', where <sitename> is any of the Host or FTP sites listed below. Use 'anonymous' as your login, and your E-mail address for the password. Or, use the newer and easier, NcFTP. Type NcFTP <sitename>. If you find yourself at the FTP> or NcFTP> prompts, type OPEN <sitename>. You can change and list directories with 'cd' and 'dir', respectively, and download files to your system using 'get'. Be sure to specify either 'binary' if you are getting a program, or 'ascii' for a text file before you begin the download. ===== In addition to the sites listed below, which have CBM software, there are hundreds of other FTP sites on INet with interesting files covering every topic imaginable. Take some time to seek out and explore these other sites and their files too. These sites are in no particular order, although I am now trying to list more recent submissions first. Enjoy! ====== FTP: ( Last updated: 24 Jun 2006 Username: c64 Password: rulez Directory: / Description: Various scene and game-oriented files, including an FUnet mirror, an NTSC demo area, a COMPUTE! archive and a Lt. Kernal archive. FTP: ( URL: Last update: 01 Sep 1997 Directory: /pub/cpm Description: CP/M and various system files. Also available by email from mail-server(a) FTP: ( URL: Last updated: 16 Jan 2006 Directory: /pub Description: Demoscene-oriented, a lot of demos, magazines, tools. Major site for the Plus4. Located in Hungary. Offers C64 and C128 stuff as well. The directory structure is: Directory: c128 5/31/02 12:00:00 AM Directory: c64 1/16/06 12:00:00 AM Directory: 12/31/05 12:55:00 AM Directory: incoming 4/24/02 12:00:00 AM Directory: plus4 1/6/06 8:45:00 PM Directory: users 9/3/05 7:16:00 AM FTP: ( URL: Last updated: 16 Jan 2006 Directory: /kermit/c Description: Official distribution site for Kermit, the famous multi-system terminal program. Offers SwiftLink and standard versions. For 64 and 128. Look for c64*. --- FTP: ( URL: Last updated: 16 Jan 2006 Directory: /midi/software/c64 Description: Information on MIDI for the C64 and some software. FTP: ( URL: Last updated: 6 Dec 2002 Directory: /pub/usenet-by-group/comp.sys.cbm/ Description: Relevant Commodore FAQ documents. FTP: ( URL: Last updated: 6 Dec 2002 Directory: /pub/c64 Description: Site for c64 software. Very active and currently maintained. Demo-scene oriented with a large number of demos and coding tools. FTP: ( URL: Last updated: 15 Jun 1999 Directory: /pub/user/spectre/ Description: The Computer Workshops shareware archive. Various downloadable utilities and games are also in this archive. Most programs are shareware/freeware. Also distributes HyperLink and support files, Kermit for the C64, and various other utilities. --- FTP: ( URL: Last updated: 16 Jan 2006 Directory: /pub Description: This site is mantained by Bo Zimmerman. It contains many Commodore utilities, programs made by a former group, and some programs for BBS's. Lots of fun little system support utilities, too. And he listens to KISS. The new directory structure holds the former FUnet content under /pub/cbm and also some CP/M items under /pub/cpm. FTP: ( URL: Last updated: 6 Dec 2002 Directory: /pub/c64 Description: Active demo site maintained by Trasher & Riddler of Active. Also lots of emulator-oriented stuff, games, Amiga files and other helpful utilities. FTP: ( FTP: ( Last updated: 16 Jan 2006 Directory: /pub/c64 Description: Site of the Digital Dungeon (HQ. for SCS*TRC) featuring games, demos, tools, and party pictures. Be sure to check into all the directories and sub-directories of this massive collection of CBM files, and the extensive collection of music files and music tools. Many files are Unix zipped. Unzip in your ISP shell. The directory structure includes: -rw-r--r-- 1 1008 1008 1001709 Jan 16 05:07 ALL-FILES.TXT -rw-r--r-- 1 1008 1008 174848 Jan 15 22:46 DEMO122B.D64 drwxrwxr-x 5 1008 1008 4096 Nov 29 07:50 Demos -rw-r--r-- 1 1008 1008 6876 Jan 13 11:36 MISSING_FILES.TXT drwxrwxr-x 243 1008 1008 8192 Jan 16 11:35 Magazines drwxrwxr-x 4 1008 1008 4096 Nov 06 13:25 Misc drwxrwxr-x 10 1008 1008 4096 Dec 15 14:53 Music -rw-r--r-- 1 1008 1008 18501 Jan 16 11:08 NEW-FILES.TXT drwxrwxr-x 151 1008 1008 4096 Jan 15 00:43 Party drwxrwxr-x 8 1008 1008 4096 Oct 17 2004 Scene drwxrwxr-x 20 1008 1008 4096 Aug 24 10:51 Tools -rw-r--r-- 1 1008 1008 1045 Oct 26 14:38 UPLOAD-RULES.TXT drwxrwxrwt 7 1008 1008 4096 Jan 14 15:13 incoming --- ================================ The latest version of The Commodore FTP Sites Listing (this list) can be found in the Usenet newsgroup, comp.sys.cbm, where it is posted twice monthly, generally at the beginning, and middle of each month. ================================ -- Cameron Kaiser * ckaiser(a) * posting with a Commodore 128 Computer Workshops: Floodgap Systems: personal page:
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