Boing! CommVEx hotel prices drop! Boing! As of today, Sunday, May 16, the Fremont Hotel & Casino (to east of the Plaza Hotel) and the Main St. Station Hotel, Casino, & Brewery (to the north of the Plaza Hotel) are offering a fantastic deal on For one or two persons, Friday night and Saturday night at either location is $45 a ... 16 May 2010 21:12
Looking for software "GD. Gold Dog Analysis" by Professional Handicapping Systems (PRESENTED BY PROFESSOR JONES). The advertisement can be seen in Ahoy #24, page 106. Either the Commodore version or the CP/M version would be fine. No hits on Poke Finder. Thanks in advance. ... 23 May 2010 13:33
Amazing Computing/Amiga Magazine - Looking for 4 Issues Amazing Computing for the Commodore Amiga Missing 4 issues out of 158. Issue 150 Vol 13 No. 12 1998 Dec Issue 155 Vol 14 No. 06 1999 Jun Issue 156 Vol 14 No. 07 1999 Jul Issue 157 Vol 14 No. 08 1999 Aug These can be easliy scanne... 1 Jun 2010 20:49
more geos support in peekbot I've put a new version of peekbot online wth the following changes: 1) when viewing the catalog of a GEOS disk, the embedded icons are now displayed next to the filename 2) pictures embedded into GEOS "Photo Albums" can now be displayed Here's a sample url where you can see the above changes in action: http://p... 15 May 2010 10:25
WTB: 64c with JiffyDOS I'm looking to buy a 64C with JiffyDOS installed. If you have one to sell then please send me a message to payton at payton byrd dot com. Thanks! PS. In box with all packaging is a bonus $$$ ... 14 May 2010 23:45
C64 Hilariousness On 8/05/2010 12:05 PM, Dragos wrote: So I get this pretty funny email regarding the show: from Anonymous<cripto(a)> to mgladson(a) date Fri, May 7, 2010 at 6:10 PM subject C4 commodore show mailed-by hide details 6:10 PM (3 hours ago) Hey ASSWIPE, if you show your i... 20 May 2010 18:18
64NIC+ EPROM. Did some tinkering tonight, Talked to Jim and was able to get a 1MB EEPROM Programmed with 8 - 16K files on the 64NIC+. Did a little write up on my blog, ... 13 May 2010 03:57
CBM-Command 2010-05-13 Released I've just posted Release 2010-05-13 over on Codeplex. The new version's only new feature is a really big one. You may now configure the way the CBM-Command looks as well as set default drives for the left and right panel. Now that configuration is in place, CBM- Command will now also load your default drive fo... 13 May 2010 02:53
Keying 64HDD-Geos D64? Has anyone successfully keyed the special 64HDD D64 Geos disk from Maurice's site? 64HDD's site says it is pre-keyed, but when you try to run it no go. Booting to Geos with an original disk and trying to key this image (on a real floppy) is a no go too. ... 14 May 2010 15:00
64Nic+ & C128 Problem.. I was having some problems with a 64NIC+ on a "FLAT" C128. Think it's all fixed now. Was able to transfer a disk with Warpcopy64 to the C128, no problems. Was also able to use geoLink with no problems as well. All the info is on my Blog, No sence is typing it all again. ... 12 May 2010 03:43 |