From: Lisa on 12 Mar 2010 12:42 Dear all, I'm normalising some microarray data using rmasummary in the Bioinformatics Toolbox. When I do so, I get complex numbers in the resulting expression matrix, even using the example provided by matlab (help rmasummary): load prostatecancerrawdata backadjData = rmabackadj(pmMatrix); normData = quantilenorm(backadjData); expressionData = rmasummary(probeIndices, normData); Is this correct?...! Lisa
From: Lucio Cetto on 15 Mar 2010 17:04 Lisa I get isreal(expressionData)=1 with the example provided. I checked it with 10a and 9b. What version are you using? Lucio "Lisa " <lisa(a)> wrote in message <hndudj$hnm$1(a)>... > Dear all, > > I'm normalising some microarray data using rmasummary in the Bioinformatics Toolbox. When I do so, I get complex numbers in the resulting expression matrix, even using the example provided by matlab (help rmasummary): > > load prostatecancerrawdata > backadjData = rmabackadj(pmMatrix); > normData = quantilenorm(backadjData); > expressionData = rmasummary(probeIndices, normData); > > Is this correct?...! > > Lisa
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