From: Jonathan W on

I have two set of data obtain from two functions (theorical results ,Practical results)
I need t ocompare these two set of results and need to find out the errorfactor in theoritical equation to suit it in to perticuler enviornment. Both data set shows the log normal distribution and I think , i can use cumulative distribution function to analysis the same.

Can some one advice me abou the same ,,
Data as follows
Ex : instance 1 - Reciver hight is 5M
X - [1,2,3,.....20]
y1 -[10.2,10.4,....] - results from theroritical expression

readings from experiment - multiple z values for perticluer X

instance 2 - Reciver hight is 10 m
X - [1,2,3,.....20]
y1 -[8.2,8.4,....] - results from theroritical expression

readings from experiment - multiple z values for perticluer X