From: Miss on
Hello everybody,

I have a problem and I think that it should be easy to solve but for some reason I do not manage that.

I have arrays containig latitude, longitude and concentration values.
I wanna plot the concentration values at the corresponding lat/lon point in different colours for different concentration values. And all that on a worldmap (or a part of it).

Any ideas?

From: Bruce Bowler on
On Wed, 19 May 2010 14:25:07 +0000, Miss set fingers to keyboard and

> Hello everybody,
> I have a problem and I think that it should be easy to solve but for
> some reason I do not manage that.
> I have arrays containig latitude, longitude and concentration values. I
> wanna plot the concentration values at the corresponding lat/lon point
> in different colours for different concentration values. And all that on
> a worldmap (or a part of it).
> Any ideas?
> Cheers,
> Nanami

plot3k ( does
what you want in XY space. I don't imagine it would be too difficult for
you to modify it to work in lat/lon space :-)

From: Steven Lord on

"Miss " <little.miss.nanami(a)> wrote in message
> Hello everybody,
> I have a problem and I think that it should be easy to solve but for some
> reason I do not manage that.
> I have arrays containig latitude, longitude and concentration values.
> I wanna plot the concentration values at the corresponding lat/lon point
> in different colours for different concentration values. And all that on a
> worldmap (or a part of it).
> Any ideas?

If you have Mapping Toolbox, use AXESM, PLOTM, and SCATTERM in combination.

If you don't, AXES, PLOT, and SCATTER may do but keep in mind those plot on
a flat axes, not an axes specifically designed to hold a map in a specific
map projection.

Steve Lord
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From: Nanami on
Hey everybody,

thanks for your replies.
scatterm works perfectly well. thanks a million

> If you have Mapping Toolbox, use AXESM, PLOTM, and SCATTERM in combination.
> If you don't, AXES, PLOT, and SCATTER may do but keep in mind those plot on
> a flat axes, not an axes specifically designed to hold a map in a specific
> map projection.
