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From: Zzz on 9 Dec 2005 18:14 Hello Please help me! I got httperro log 2005-12-09 20:50:56 4387 443 HTTP/1.1 GET /poms/dll/FASD.dll?GetSystemParameterValue?DocumentType=PharmacyOrder&Parameter=Expiry_Days - 1 Connection_Dropped DefaultAppPool the web server would server HTML just fine, but any ISAPI (including ASP and ASP.Net) requests fail with "Connection_Dropped" in HTTPERR. I debugged it to determine that IIS got the request, the ISAPI executed correctly and sent back a valid response to HTTP.SYS (so from IIS perspective, everything was ok), but for an unknown reason, HTTP.SYS dropped the response and the connection. Reinstall the IIS6.0 can help or not? Would you please give me some hint? Regards |