From: Simon on
I tried the example from :

syms x y z t
r = x^2 + y^2 + z^2;
matlabFunction(r, 'file', 'new_function',...
'vars', {t, [x y z]});

I always get the failure:
??? Error using ==> sym.matlabFunction at 55
Argument 'vars' failed validation isvars.

if i use
matlabFunction(r, 'file', 'new_function',...
'vars', [t, [x y z]]);
all is fine.
From: Alan Weiss on
Simon wrote:
> I tried the example from
> :
> syms x y z t
> r = x^2 + y^2 + z^2;
> matlabFunction(r, 'file', 'new_function',...
> 'vars', {t, [x y z]});
> I always get the failure:
> ??? Error using ==> sym.matlabFunction at 55
> Argument 'vars' failed validation isvars.
> if i use
> matlabFunction(r, 'file', 'new_function',...
> 'vars', [t, [x y z]]);
> all is fine.

This happens in R2008b of MATLAB, but not R2009a or later.

Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation
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