From: Helmut Meukel on

thanks for clarifying what you really wanted.
Why did you let us guess?
How about this (no error handling included for odd length strings,...):

Function Hex2Dec(HexString as String) as String
Dim l as Long, i as Long, tmp as String
l = Len(HexString)
For i = 1 to l - 1 Step 2
tmp = tmp & CStr(Val("&H" & Mid(HexString, i, 2)))
if i < l - 1 then tmp = tmp & ","
next i
Hex2Dec = tmp
End Function


"GS" <gesansom(a)> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Thanks to all for replying! Unfortunately, after diligently trying each, none
> of the suggestions are working as expected. Here's what I'm trying to do:
> I have the following string of Hex values:
> "0E0E00000505000C20450164A5A5"
> which I need to convert to a delimited string of Dec values. The expected
> result is:
> "14,14,0,0,5,5,0,12,32,69,1,100,165,165"
> Since the source string of Hex values are paired, a delimited version of this
> would be:
> "0E,0E,00,00,05,05,00,0C,20,45,01,64,A5,A5"
> I was able to get the result using an Excel WorkSheetFunction provided by the
> Analyss Toolpak addin called Hex2Dec(). I would like to duplicate that
> function in VB6.
> Thanks in advance, again, for any suggested solutions.
> --
> Garry
> Free usenet access at
> ClassicVB Users Regroup! comp.lang.basic.visual.misc

From: Derek on
On May 28, 11:35 am, GS <gesan...(a)> wrote:
> Thanks to all for replying! Unfortunately, after diligently trying
> each, none of the suggestions are working as expected. Here's what I'm
> trying to do:
> I have the following string of Hex values:
>   "0E0E00000505000C20450164A5A5"
> which I need to convert to a delimited string of Dec values. The
> expected result is:
>   "14,14,0,0,5,5,0,12,32,69,1,100,165,165"
> Since the source string of Hex values are paired, a delimited version
> of this would be:
>   "0E,0E,00,00,05,05,00,0C,20,45,01,64,A5,A5"

The following function should do the job in QBASIC, QB4.5, PDS 7,
VBDOS or VB1-6. I've tested it using QBASIC. It adds an initial "0" to
the input string to ensure an even number of characters but doesn't
bother to check that the string is valid hex. So it will accept "HIYA"
or whatever without complaint.



-- Begin Code ---------------------------------

DECLARE FUNCTION CustomHex2Dec$ (aHexSequence AS STRING)


LET dInput = "0E0E00000505000C20450164A5A5"

LET dOutput = CustomHex2Dec(dInput) + "<"

PRINT "'"; dInput; "' -> '"; dOutput; "'"


FUNCTION CustomHex2Dec$ (aHexSequence AS STRING)


LET dResult = MID$("0", 1, LEN(aHexSequence) MOD 2) + aHexSequence

FOR J = 1 TO LEN(dResult) STEP 2
LET dResult = dResult + "," + LTRIM$(STR$(VAL("&H" + MID$(dResult,
J, 2))))

LET CustomHex2Dec = MID$(dResult, INSTR(dResult, ",") + 1)


-- End Code ---------------------------------------
From: dpb on
GS wrote:

> Since the source string of Hex values are paired, a delimited version of
> this would be:
> "0E,0E,00,00,05,05,00,0C,20,45,01,64,A5,A5"

You didn't say that, now did you?

See Helmut's function for one solution...

The point to be made is unless you describe the problem accurately it's
highly unlikely to get a useful response. How was anybody to know from
your initial posting you had a composite list of 16-bit hex digits you
wanted to parse?

From: GS on
Helmut Meukel presented the following explanation :
> Garry,
> thanks for clarifying what you really wanted.
> Why did you let us guess?
> How about this (no error handling included for odd length strings,...):
> Function Hex2Dec(HexString as String) as String
> Dim l as Long, i as Long, tmp as String
> l = Len(HexString)
> For i = 1 to l - 1 Step 2
> tmp = tmp & CStr(Val("&H" & Mid(HexString, i, 2)))
> if i < l - 1 then tmp = tmp & ","
> next i
> Hex2Dec = tmp
> End Function
> Helmut.

Thanks so much, Helmut! Sorry for not being more detailed in my OP. I
was actually trying to figure out how to combine the Auric_ & Henning
suggestions to achieve what you've done here, which is most excellent.

What's interesting is how I arrived at the result using the Analysis
Toolpak addin in Excel. Here's my VB[A] code:

Function SendHexString() As String
Const vHexString As Variant = "0E0E00000505000C20450164A5A5"
Dim s1 As String, c As Range
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
For i = 1 To Len(vHexString) Step 2
s1 = "=hex2dec(""" & Mid(vHexString, i, 2) & """)"
j = j + 1
Cells(j, 1).FormulaR1C1 = s1
For Each c In ActiveSheet.UsedRange
SendHexString = SendHexString & CStr(c.value)
End Function

Amazing similarity, but not how I want to do (way too much work...) it
since my VB6 project needs to run stand-alone and not dependant on
Excel or its addins.

I don't actually need the resulting string to be delimited, but thanks
for providing a variation on how to handle the extra comma. (I would
have used 'tmp = tmp & "," & CStr(Val("&H" & Mid(HexString, i, 2)))' to
construct the string, then used 'Hex2Dec = Mid$(tmp, 2)' to return the
value minus the leading comma. <IMO>The function runs a bit faster not
having to evaluate the 'If...then'. Not an issue!

Here's my final solution:

Function Hex2Dec(HexString As String) As String
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To l - 1 Step 2
Hex2Dec = Hex2Dec & CStr(Val("&H" & Mid(HexString, i, 2)))
Next i
End Function

Thanks again!


Free usenet access at
ClassicVB Users Regroup! comp.lang.basic.visual.misc

From: GS on
dpb explained :
> GS wrote:
> ...
>> Since the source string of Hex values are paired, a delimited version of
>> this would be:
>> "0E,0E,00,00,05,05,00,0C,20,45,01,64,A5,A5"
> ...
> You didn't say that, now did you?
> See Helmut's function for one solution...
> The point to be made is unless you describe the problem accurately it's
> highly unlikely to get a useful response. How was anybody to know from your
> initial posting you had a composite list of 16-bit hex digits you wanted to
> parse?

Point taken, ..and thanks! Sorry for my lack of providing detail. I
will be sure to provide more detail in future. I was hoping I would get
enough examples to figure it out on my own based on a sample of
handling a single Hex val. I realized this was a poor decision after
reading the replies. See my reply to Helmut's post for more details,
and what details of Helmut's solution I finally decided to go with.



Free usenet access at
ClassicVB Users Regroup! comp.lang.basic.visual.misc