From: nordmoon on
Hi, I tried the code above but with slightly different gauss and lorentzian profiles as given by the theory. However when I do convolution between the two the line is
shifted to other wavenumbers compared to the code above.

Why does it do this and how can I stop it? I want it to appear where the other two lines (gaussian and lorentzian) are positioned.

My code:

resolution = 0.05; %
minWavenumber = 2200; %
maxWavenumber = 2300; %
v0 = 2240;

plotWavenumber = minWavenumber:resolution:maxWavenumber;
plotWavenumber2 = (minWavenumber*2):resolution:(maxWavenumber*2);
dvL = 0.55;
sigmaG = 0.55;

% The LineShapes

lorentz = ( (1/pi)*dvL./...
(dvL^2 + (plotWavenumber-v0).^2) );

gauss = ((1/(sigmaG*sqrt(pi)))*exp(-((plotWavenumber-v0.*ones(length(plotWavenumber),1)').^2)/(sigmaG^2)));

voigt=conv(lorentz,gauss)/max(conv(lorentz,gauss)); %(normalized) Voigt profile

plot(plotWavenumber,lorentz,plotWavenumber, gauss,'r')
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