From: Els on
In the Start-up folder for Word (2007) is a template that sets the Style
'Normal' (font and font size) for the normal.dotm.

It sets the Style 'Normal' in the activedocument and copies this style to
the Normal.dotm (to make sure everybody in the company has the right font
and fontsize)

The macro works fine, but if I delete the Normal.dotm the following vba-code
gives the error message: error 4149 File not found.

(Normal.dotm can give problems, so I have to delete this template
sometimes )

Application.OrganizerCopy _

Source:=ActiveDocument.Name, _

Destination:= ActiveDocument.AttachedTemplate.FullName, _
Name:="Normal", _
Object:= wdOrganizerObjectStyles

This error message keeps coming even when the Normal.dotm is saved.

How do I solve this problem?

I do hope someone can help me.
