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From: SneakyP on 2 Aug 2010 18:55 -- SneakyP To email me, you know what to do.
From: Joel Connor on 2 Aug 2010 19:49 On Mon, 02 Aug 2010 17:55:22 -0500, SneakyP <48umofa02(a)> wrote: > There goes another perfectly good waste of a camera. Why do any of you even bother subscribing to these groups. No doubt, just to waste others' time. Since you've obviously already wasted the time of your own life now you feel the need to spread the waste around. In the hopes that you'll find someone to convince you that you haven't wasted your whole pathetic life. But we all know better, don't we. Time to just admit it to yourself.
From: Savageduck on 2 Aug 2010 19:51 On 2010-08-02 15:55:22 -0700, SneakyP <48umofa02(a)> said: > Absolutely. It works on a very similar level to the composition of many of Miguel's flag submissions. The top of the flag pole has been clipped off. ...and pushed to the right, while waving to the left. ;-) That said, you have a fine study of an overcast sky, and the denizens of a parking lot peering through the tree line, while watched over by that tall elegant central guardian, waiting for a basketball recruiter. -- Regards, Savageduck
From: Nervous Nick on 2 Aug 2010 21:24
On Aug 2, 6:51 pm, Savageduck <savageduck1@{REMOVESPAM}> wrote: > On 2010-08-02 15:55:22 -0700, SneakyP > <48umof...(a)> said: > > > > > Absolutely. It works on a very similar level to the composition of many > of Miguel's flag submissions. > > The top of the flag pole has been clipped off. ...and pushed to the > right, while waving to the left. ;-) > > That said, you have a fine study of an overcast sky, and the denizens > of a parking lot peering through the tree line, while watched over by > that tall elegant central guardian, waiting for a basketball recruiter. <lauging> Thanks. |