From: henry wang on

How do you create a polygon in matlab? I only want the points on the perimeter. Say a hexagon, and I only want N points on the border of the hexagon. How do I do this in matlab? (I know patch returns a polygon but that's not the border)

Thanks so much.
From: ImageAnalyst on
If you have the Image Processing Toolbox, you can use roipoly() or
roipolyold(). These will let you hand click on vertices and return
the coordinates - if that's what you meant by "create." If you meant
just how to draw one from a list of known coordinates, then use the
plot() function. If you want ALL the points along the perimeter
instead of just the vertices, then you can use poly2mask() followed by
bwboundaries(), or use bwperim(), again with the Image Processing
Toolbox. Of course you'll have to digitize your space but you know
this because you said "N points" when really there can be an infinite
number of points in an undigitized space. Well, as you can see there
are a lot of unknowns in your vague post so maybe you can explain more
fully what you mean.