From: The Frog on
Hi Everyone,

I have a scenario where I will need a rownum value for a query. I have
attempted to make this by doing a self join type query based on the
'original' querydef and counting the records. I am getting results
that dont make any sense and I am not sure why.

My 'base' query is made up from data that spans three tables
(category, subcategory, segment). I am selecting all segments by
subcategory by category. One big list (actually not that big, but
important). The sql [qryProductFilters] is as follows:
SELECT category.category, subcategory.subcategory, segment.segment
FROM (category INNER JOIN subcategory ON category.category_id =
subcategory.category_id) INNER JOIN segment ON
subcategory.subcategory_id = segment.subcategory_id
ORDER BY category.category, subcategory.subcategory, segment.segment;

So far so good. I am buggered if I can get an artificial rownum to
work on this query. I based another query on this one to try and
produce the rownum:

SELECT [qryProductFilters].*, (select count(*) from
[qryProductFilters] as SELF where SELF.[category] <=
[qryProductFilters].[category] AND SELF.[subcategory] <=
[qryProductFilters].[subcategory] AND SELF.[segment] <=
[qryProductFilters].[segment]) AS ROWNUM
FROM qryProductFilters
ORDER BY [qryProductFilters].[category], [qryProductFilters].
[subcategory], [qryProductFilters].[segment];

I am getting duplicate ROWNUM values and they are jumbled all over the
place to boot. I am guessing that it is related to the multiple field
'unique key' . Does anyone have a workaround for this? Another
approach perhaps? I need to avoid a temp table if I can FWIW.

Any guidance greatly appreciated


The Frog
From: The Frog on
A little more info on this that comes to mind. The reason for the
artificial rownum is to get around the 'query too complex' stuff with
Access. I actually dont know that my approach is right in the first
place. The bigger picture is this:

I have a series of channels (sales channels), a listing a which
products belong to which channel, and the products conform to the
category subcategory segment normalised structure mentioned in the
queries above in my previous post. What I need to produce, as a final
result, is a listing of the products that belong in each channel with
the channels as the columns. The lists will be of different lengths as
not every channel carries every product. The category structure is
basically used as the filters to hone in on what line of products you
wish to see.

I thought about a crosstab query approach, but have been unable to get
it to work (thus far).

Thats the bigger picture, if it helps :-)


The Frog
From: Salad on
The Frog wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I have a scenario where I will need a rownum value for a query. I have
> attempted to make this by doing a self join type query based on the
> 'original' querydef and counting the records. I am getting results
> that dont make any sense and I am not sure why.
> My 'base' query is made up from data that spans three tables
> (category, subcategory, segment). I am selecting all segments by
> subcategory by category. One big list (actually not that big, but
> important). The sql [qryProductFilters] is as follows:
> SELECT category.category, subcategory.subcategory, segment.segment
> FROM (category INNER JOIN subcategory ON category.category_id =
> subcategory.category_id) INNER JOIN segment ON
> subcategory.subcategory_id = segment.subcategory_id
> ORDER BY category.category, subcategory.subcategory, segment.segment;
> So far so good. I am buggered if I can get an artificial rownum to
> work on this query. I based another query on this one to try and
> produce the rownum:
> SELECT [qryProductFilters].*, (select count(*) from
> [qryProductFilters] as SELF where SELF.[category] <=
> [qryProductFilters].[category] AND SELF.[subcategory] <=
> [qryProductFilters].[subcategory] AND SELF.[segment] <=
> [qryProductFilters].[segment]) AS ROWNUM
> FROM qryProductFilters
> ORDER BY [qryProductFilters].[category], [qryProductFilters].
> [subcategory], [qryProductFilters].[segment];
> I am getting duplicate ROWNUM values and they are jumbled all over the
> place to boot. I am guessing that it is related to the multiple field
> 'unique key' . Does anyone have a workaround for this? Another
> approach perhaps? I need to avoid a temp table if I can FWIW.
> Any guidance greatly appreciated
> Cheers
> The Frog

In your base query up you are linking catId to subcat catid and then
subcategoryID subcatid on segments subcatid. Then you sort on the
alphas fields. Then it appears you attempt to get a rownum from the
result set in another query.

I think I'd want a "where categoryid = [categoryid] and subcategoryid =
[subcategoryid] and segment <= [segment].

IOW, add to the base query to contain the cat and subcat ids that are
the same and can be compared and since the segment is sorted alpha then
count is based on <=. Or change the <= on category and subcategory to
just =. Then again, it's late here and I be misreading the whole thing.

From: James A. Fortune on
On Aug 10, 5:34 am, The Frog <> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I have a scenario where I will need a rownum value for a query. I have
> attempted to make this by doing a self join type query based on the
> 'original' querydef and counting the records. I am getting results
> that dont make any sense and I am not sure why.
> My 'base' query is made up from data that spans three tables
> (category, subcategory, segment). I am selecting all segments by
> subcategory by category. One big list (actually not that big, but
> important). The sql [qryProductFilters] is as follows:
> SELECT category.category, subcategory.subcategory, segment.segment
> FROM (category INNER JOIN subcategory ON category.category_id =
> subcategory.category_id) INNER JOIN segment ON
> subcategory.subcategory_id = segment.subcategory_id
> ORDER BY category.category, subcategory.subcategory, segment.segment;
> So far so good. I am buggered if I can get an artificial rownum to
> work on this query. I based another query on this one to try and
> produce the rownum:
> SELECT [qryProductFilters].*, (select count(*) from
> [qryProductFilters] as SELF where SELF.[category] <=
> [qryProductFilters].[category] AND SELF.[subcategory] <=
> [qryProductFilters].[subcategory] AND SELF.[segment] <=
> [qryProductFilters].[segment]) AS ROWNUM
> FROM qryProductFilters
> ORDER BY [qryProductFilters].[category], [qryProductFilters].
> [subcategory], [qryProductFilters].[segment];
> I am getting duplicate ROWNUM values and they are jumbled all over the
> place to boot. I am guessing that it is related to the multiple field
> 'unique key' . Does anyone have a workaround for this? Another
> approach perhaps? I need to avoid a temp table if I can FWIW.
> Any guidance greatly appreciated
> Cheers
> The Frog


James A. Fortune
From: The Frog on
Hi Salad, thanks for having a crack at it. I ended up taking a
completely different approach, one where a series of sub-selects are
used to populate the columns as needed.

I made a query that brought together all the cat, subcat, seg.....and
so on down to the individual product level. I used this query as the
basis for another query, where the columns I really wanted are each
done with the inline selects:

SELECT DISTINCT category.category, subcategory.subcategory,
segment.segment, IIf(InStr([variety].[variety],[product].[product])<>0,
[variety])<>0,[product].[product],[product].[product] & " " &
[variety].[variety])) AS ITEM, IIf((SELECT chanel_id FROM
variety_channel WHERE variety.variety_id = variety_channel.variety_id
AND variety_channel.chanel_id = 1) Is Not Null,[ITEM],Null) AS
Drogerie_Klein, IIf((SELECT chanel_id FROM variety_channel WHERE
variety.variety_id = variety_channel.variety_id AND
variety_channel.chanel_id = 2) Is Not Null,[ITEM],Null) AS
Drogerie_Groß, IIf((SELECT chanel_id FROM variety_channel WHERE
variety.variety_id = variety_channel.variety_id AND
variety_channel.chanel_id = 3) Is Not Null,[ITEM],Null) AS Trad_LEH,
IIf((SELECT chanel_id FROM variety_channel WHERE variety.variety_id =
variety_channel.variety_id AND variety_channel.chanel_id = 4) Is Not
Null,[ITEM],Null) AS VM_Klein, IIf((SELECT chanel_id FROM
variety_channel WHERE variety.variety_id = variety_channel.variety_id
AND variety_channel.chanel_id = 5) Is Not Null,[ITEM],Null) AS VM_Groß
FROM ((category INNER JOIN subcategory ON category.category_id =
subcategory.category_id) INNER JOIN segment ON
subcategory.subcategory_id = segment.subcategory_id) INNER JOIN
(subsegment INNER JOIN (product INNER JOIN variety ON
product.product_id = variety.product_id) ON subsegment.subsegment_id =
product.subsegment_id) ON segment.segment_id = subsegment.segment_id;

It looks a lot more messy than it really is. There is a lot of
repeated blurb with the IIf statements to get the right text
formatting. Anyway, I end up with a list of each product by cat,
subcat..... and a column for each channel with the product (ITEM)
listed again in that column if it applies to the given channel. It
works quickly enough for the moment. Might be a problem later if the
product list really grows.

Thanks for having a shot at it anyway.


The Frog