From: Mojo on 2 Sep 2009 18:02 Hi All I have to create an app that shows a number of text paragraphs in a form so that users can click on them to highlight them. Now potentially there are around 300 paragraphs (might only be 1 or 2 sentences in each), but they are actually broken down into categories. My idea was to lay them out in say 5 across by 'x' down batches and group them with a sort of menu bar for each category. Bit like a tree view for each category, but instead of a little folder and name like you do with each treeview entry the user would be displayed with 'x' amount of horizontal bars which when clicked would expand or collapse to show the required statements. The idea being that in the horizontal bar it could show information such as how many paragraphs were in the category and how many had been clicked by the user. Does any of this make sense?? :0) Although not exactly as I had in mind, as I was thinking about a number of horizontal bars that you would click on to expand or collapse the closiest thing I can think of that demonstrates this kind of behaviour is the 'Show in Groups' feature in Outlook 2003's View/Arrange By menu. Has anybody seen or have a routine that creates this kind of effect?? Thank you for anything you can suggest.
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