From: WernerA on

Using CR XI with 2740 or 2806

If I am trying to set the
oCRreport:RecordSelectionFormula := '{SteuerRechn.Steuerjahr} = 2006 '
gives the Runtime Error "Basic syntax in recordselectionformulas not
Any ideas?

From: Geoff Chambers on
Try this instead

oCRreport:RecordSelectionFormula := [{SteuerRechn.Steuerjahr} = 2006]

WernerA wrote:
> All
> Using CR XI with 2740 or 2806
> If I am trying to set the
> oCRreport:RecordSelectionFormula := '{SteuerRechn.Steuerjahr} = 2006 '
> gives the Runtime Error "Basic syntax in recordselectionformulas not
> supported"
> Any ideas?
> Werner

From: WernerA on


Thank You
I still get the same result. May it be because I use the german version
of Crystal?

From: Geoff Chambers on
Should work, is the field your accessing nummeric?

This works for me

[{jobcost.job} = "RESRC" and j{obcost.amount} = 1000]

where job is char
and amount is numeric

I'm using Classmate, but here's my code

METHOD Menu_File_Print(cDoc,cRecords) CLASS MyChildWindow
LOCAL oCRW AS crApplication
LOCAL oDoc AS crReport

oCRW := crApplication{}

IF !oCRW:Attach2RunningServer("CrystalRunTime.Application")
//This returns .T. so I am able to access the CRAXDRT report engine
oDoc := oCRW:OpenReport(cDoc)
IF cRecords <> NIL
oDoc:RecordSelectionFormula := cRecords
oDoc:PaperOrientation := 0


WernerA wrote:
> Geoff,
> Thank You
> I still get the same result. May it be because I use the german version
> of Crystal?
> Werner

From: Michael Haensch on
Hallo Werner,

what happens if you put this formula in Crystal in the selection editor?
Or the other way: if you build the selection in Crystal with the editor,
is it the same?


WernerA schrieb:
> All
> Using CR XI with 2740 or 2806
> If I am trying to set the
> oCRreport:RecordSelectionFormula := '{SteuerRechn.Steuerjahr} = 2006 '
> gives the Runtime Error "Basic syntax in recordselectionformulas not
> supported"
> Any ideas?
> Werner
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