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From: us on 28 May 2010 16:03 "Michael Purdy" <misterman90(a)> wrote in message <htp4vf$hr6$1(a)>... > I simply want to be able to break out of a function. I do not need to actually quit the entire process. I have tried doing a condition that is checked in the while loop, making a variable handles.stop in my 'stop' function that would be changed to 1 as soon as the stop button was pressed. I am not sure if the handles method is an appropriate one, but I do not know how else to access a variable in a seperate function. Is there such thing as a pointer in MatLab? short: no... long: at least not accessible by the (common) user... very long: look at some OOP features... us
From: Matt Fig on 28 May 2010 16:08 Here is a quick example. The first function has an infinite loop in it. The second is a GUI with a button to press in order to stop the loop and cause the first function to return. These functions can go in separate files. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [cnt] = infloop() % Get the handle to the GUI. You can use findall or whatever. H = infloopstopgui; drawnow cnt = 1; while 1 % Here goes all you loop stuff cnt = cnt + 1; % Tag this onto the end. if ~mod(cnt,200) drawnow; if get(H,'userdata')==1 return end end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [fh] = infloopstopgui() % Called by a loop in another function. fh = figure('menubar','none',... 'numbertitle','off',... 'tag','infloopstopgui',... 'userdata',0,... 'units','pix',... 'pos',[200 200 200 100]); pb = uicontrol('style','push',... 'units','pix',... 'position',[10 10 180 80],... 'string','push2stop',... 'fontsize',16,... 'callback',@pb_call); function [] = pb_call(varargin) set(fh,'userdata',1); end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
From: Michael Purdy on 28 May 2010 16:35
Thanks so much Matt. That worked perfectly. I appreciate all of your help. |