From: Marcin on 7 Jun 2010 08:51 Hi, I have a mesh plot with ButtonDownFcn handler. How can I convert the coordinates of a clicked point (CurrentPoint) to data values used to create the mesh? Many thanks
From: Marcin on 8 Jun 2010 02:34 "Marcin " <mb1234(a)> wrote in message <huipvo$i5l$1(a)>... > Hi, > > I have a mesh plot with ButtonDownFcn handler. How can I convert the coordinates of a clicked point (CurrentPoint) to data values used to create the mesh? > > Many thanks Once again answering my own question - maybe it will be useful to someone: function [pout, vout, viout, pfactor, facevout, faceiout] = vertexpicker(varargin) % This internal helper function may change in a future release. % [P V I PFACTOR] = VERTEXPICKER(OBJ,TARGET,MODE) % OBJ is an axes child. % TARGET is an axes ray as if produced by the 'CurrentPoint' axes % property. % MODE is optional, '-force' will find closest vertex even if the % TARGET ray does not intersect OBJ. This option is used by % the data cursor feature as the mouse drags away from the % object % % P is the projected mouse position on OBJ. % V is the nearest vertex to P. % I is the index to V. % PFACTOR is the amount of interpolation between P and V. % % [P V I PFACTOR] = VERTEXPICKER(OBJ,MODE) Assumes TARGET % is the axes current point
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