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From: Derek Downey on 7 Dec 2009 11:47 I'm having trouble calling stored procedures from DB_DataObject. The issue is, it seems to be losing database information when making multiple calls to the stored procedure (using mysqli). I want to make sure I'm making the call properly. I realize it's suggested to use MDB2 over DB_DO, but it's not possible in my situation to make the switch for the time being. Below is my example code and the error I'm getting. It makes the first call fine, but it seems that adding more than one call increases the chance to cause an error, but not all the time. What I mean by this is, if i add a second call, it will fail occasionally (by hitting refresh). If I add a third call, the second call almost always errors out, causing any other calls to also error out. I just have no idea why it's losing database connection. // Example Stored Procedure: // delimiter // CREATE PROCEDURE testSP( IN testParam TINYINT(1) ) BEGIN SELECT CONCAT('TEST', testParam); END; // // DB_DO Class // <?php require_once('DB/DataObject.php'); class TestDO extends DB_DataObject {} ?> // TEST CODE // <?php require_once("TestDBDO.php"); // SET PEAR CONFIG OPTIONS // if (class_exists('PEAR')) { $config = parse_ini_file('../data/pearConfig.ini',TRUE); foreach($config as $class=>$values) { $options = &PEAR::getStaticProperty($class,'options'); $options = $values; } } DB_DataObject::debugLevel(5); $obj1 = new TestDO(); $obj2 = new TestDO(); $obj3 = new TestDO(); $obj1->query("CALL TestSP(1)"); $obj2->query("CALL TestSP(2)"); $obj3->query("CALL TestSP(3)"); DB_DataObject::debugLevel(0); ?> // DB_DO CONFIG FILE // [DB_DataObject] database = mysqli://hidden debug = 0 keep_query_after_fetch = 1 [DB] autofree = 1 // ERROR// TestDO: ERROR: DB_Error Object ( [error_message_prefix] => [mode] => 1 [level] => 1024 [code] => -14 [message] => DB Error: no database selected [userinfo] => CALL TestSP(2) [nativecode=2013 ** Lost connection to MySQL server during query] [backtrace] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /path/to/pear/dir/DB.php [line] => 966 [function] => PEAR_Error [class] => PEAR_Error [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => DB Error: no database selected [1] => -14 [2] => 1 [3] => 1024 [4] => CALL TestSP(2) [nativecode=2013 ** Lost connection to MySQL server during query] ) |