From: scv1977 on
I'm currently conversioning mssql to DB2(V9.7 Fix1)
The MSSQL has sources(SP,Function,XML Parsing)
In the SP(MSSQL) source, exists sp_xml_preparedocument function.
And we convert to DB2 using XMLTABLE,XMLPARSE
So in...
I have the following build problem with CODE executing the following.
The simplified code does the following(SQL16003N)
I think.... Since the XML source has multirow data....
We have to handle the cursor?? or Does The XML function exists for
bulk row proccesing
The Sample code is the following.

EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @docHandle OUTPUT, @xmlDocument

SELECT @CustName = ISNULL(CustName , ''),
@CustSeq = ISNULL(CustSeq , 0)

FROM OPENXML(@docHandle, N'/ROOT/DataBlock1', @xmlFlags)----
>Multi XML data
WITH ( CustName NVARCHAR(200),
CustSeq INT


1) DB2
select * from XMLTABLE('$i' PASSING

') AS "i"
COLUMNS CustName VARCHAR(200) PATH 'ROOT/DataBlock1/CustName',
CustSeq INTEGER PATH 'ROOT/DataBlock1/CustSeq') AS X