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How to "LOAD COPY NO" without backup ?
Hi , How can I load without copy in UDB V8/AIX , I don't want copy or backup after load. Are there any command in UDB , like Z/OS DB2 "repair tablespace nocopypend" ? ... 13 Nov 2008 21:43
Getting rid of kuddb2
On Nov 5, 2:56 pm, Troels Arvin <tro...(a)> wrote: Hello, Setup: DB2 LUW 9.5. After "db2stop", a process called "kuddb2" remains. The process is listening to network sockets, running with db2inst1 privileges. The process seems to be related to some Tivoli system which we don't use. I be... 11 Nov 2008 17:05
db2 questions
Hi, 1.I have db2 V9 installed in a DPF environment for OLAP application .i am trying to install db2 query patroller V9 on top of db2 V9.1.4a but it throws an error saying lower down your db2 image . i need help regarding this as i cant find out which version of qp should i install and also i cannot uninstall db2 s... 5 Nov 2008 18:19
DSNL013I & DDF, DB2 9.1
I’m trying to set up DDF on DB2 9.1 and am getting the following error – DSNL013I -DB9G VTAM OPEN ACB FAILED ERROR='24'X SNA Programming explains x’24’ on ACB OPEN as 36 (X'24') The OPEN ACB failed for one of the following reasons: • The password specified by the ACB did not match the corresponding password i... 14 Oct 2008 10:03
Where is Plan_table?
I run this 2 queries on my Home PC - DB2 9.5C EXPLAIN PLAN SET QUERYNO = 1 FOR SELECT * FROM STAFF WHERE ID > ?; DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully. and then this one: SELECT * FROM PLAN_TABLE WHERE QUERYNO = 1 ORDER BY TIMESTAMP, QUERYNO, QBLOCKNO, PLANNO, MIXOPSEQ WITH UR; sqlcode: ... 1 Oct 2008 22:25
SqlException Unsupported ccsid, encoding, or locale: "Cp037"
The IT folks did an automatic upgrade of DB2 connect to V9 our our Windows machines, and now when we try to use DB2 on z/OS from an Eclipse plugin called "SqlExplorer", we get the following JDBC SqlException: [ibm][db2][jcc][10275][10041] Unsupported ccsid, encoding, or locale: "... 1 Oct 2008 16:14
why is NULLID.SYSSH200 executing so many times
We've noticed NULLID.SYSSH200 has been executing on the mainframe like 500K times a minute. What is this thing and what would make it run so often? It is causing our SMF history to be useless. ... 2 Oct 2008 07:35
SQL27984W - Some information has not been saved (import create mode)
When running an export: export to css.ixf of ixf select css_id, service, client_id, site_id, css_label, css_abbr, sos_flag, city, state, 'N', 'N' from userid.css_defn It returns an error: SQL27984W Some information has not been saved to the PC/IXF file during Export. This file will not be supported... 19 Sep 2008 11:54
Temporary table issue
Hi, One query is failing on the database and its a long query which was running fine earlier. One possible reason we can think of is increase in data in tables in query. It is failing with following error:- SQL0659N Maximum size of a table object has been exceeded. SQLSTATE=54032 (SQLSTATE 54032) -659 Earlier... 19 Sep 2008 05:45
KUDCMA_DB2.exe errors in db2diag.log after applying 9.5 ESE FP2
After applying FP2 for DB2 9.5 ESE on Windows XP Professional 5.1 SP3, errors such that below appear in db2diag.log every minute for each database. 2008-09-11- E2963893H556 LEVEL: Severe PID : 2796 TID : 3064 PROC : KUDCMA_DB2.exe INSTANCE: DB2 ... 11 Sep 2008 08:55
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