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How to convert nonpartitioned indexes in DB2 V9.7.1
Hi all, what are the possible ways to convert a non partitioned index to a partitioned index in DB2 V9.7.1? According to the InfoCenter, the only way is to drop and recreate one index at a time ( 5 Mar 2010 11:38
Fenced User Id Confusion
Hi, I get different results when I try to find the fenced user id of the instance and I need some help determining the right one so that I can upgrade the instance in the right way. I am v8 fixpack 11 so I cannot run db2pd -fmp. Here are my results. db2inst1(a)rtcc101 $ cat ~/sqllib/ctrl/.fencedID db2fenc2 ... 3 Mar 2010 19:46
Help SQL
Hello All, I have a query that returns the following results. We get multiple rows back, with all the same info except for the Function. ID NAME FUNCTION 001 Greg Johnson Administration 001 Greg Johnson Senior IT Specialist 002 Todd Thompson IT Specialist 002 Todd Thompson Project Man... 6 Mar 2010 08:32
Whitepaper on Location Intelligence
The Yellowfin BI team have produced a new paper on "Location Intelligence", the mashup of BI with GIS Extract More than 70% of your organizational data has a location component - be it a customer address or a sales territory. This combined with the growing ability of businesses to quickly absorb large volumes ... 3 Mar 2010 05:08
db2lused process
Hello, Setup: 9.7.1 (64 bit) running on x86_64 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4. Often, when I take look at the list of applications, I see a session with application name "db2lused" in a state of "UOW Executing". Example: Google is rather silent about db2luse... 6 Mar 2010 16:16
Making DB2 be I/O aggressive
Setup: - Server with data residing on an XIV storage system. The XIV storage system spreads data over all available disks with no knobs to control priorities, cache-pools, etc. (This is by design.) - DB2 v. 9.7.1 installed; one instance. A strategy of using automatic storage, in order to cut down... 5 Mar 2010 16:11
When are projections done?
Consider a table and a query referring to only a subset of the columns in that table. How early in the query evaluation is the projection carried out? Are the columns to be selected filtered out as early as in the very access method that reads the table rows from the buffer, or are the projection handled later, ... 2 Mar 2010 18:03
Looking for DB2 9.5 LUW express-c
Hi all. I'm looking for db2 9.5 express-c for LUW (linuxx86_64). The ibm site only lets me download 9.7, but I need 9.5 since I have a 9.5 instance laying around which I must not migrate to 9.7. So if anyone could possibly direct me to a 9.5 express-c somewhere on the internet, I would be most grateful. -... 2 Mar 2010 06:45
a brand new query tool is out on beta, we need feedback, so you get a free copy
We at Nob Hill Software are working on a new query tool: You can read all about it on the above web page, but basically, its a very ambitious project to create what we call 'the query tool to end all query tools': everything you ever wanted, desired, dre... 1 Mar 2010 09:08
DB2 Compatibility Features Oracle
As I understand when you set the DB2_COMPABILITY_VECTOR registry variable it allows execution of PL/SQL in DB2, but this only affects databases created after the registry cariable is set. Is there any way to enable all these features for existing databases? Regards Odd Bjørn ErgoGroup AS, Oslo, Norway ... 1 Mar 2010 05:52
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